Heartrings Pulled By Melodies

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-July 19th-
7 months until redeployment
Y/N pov:

"So we're really gonna do this?"

Kyoko: There's not much time left before you have to leave, you should be spending time with everyone, not just me.

"I know that but... Karaoke? Really?"

Kyoko: Why not?

"I hate to say it but I don't think I have the voice for it."

Kyoko: It's not like it's a live show, we're all going to be embarrassing ourselves.

"...I guess..."

Kyoko: Plus they needed another couple for today.

"C-couple? Why specifically couples?"

Kyoko: I didn't wanna spoil it but... It is a quadruple date.

Suddenly we hit a bump, we bounced up a little and Kyoko held me harder.

"You okay back there?"

Kyoko: Y-yes.

Good, since the place where this "quadruple date" is taking place is pretty far I said we should take the bike I got from Mondo.

It was pretty easy to pick up on riding it, however, since there was nothing to hold onto on the back Kyoko had to wrap her arms around me just to not fall.

"So you said couples? Who's gonna be there?"

Kyoko: I believe Makoto is coming with Sayaka, Hajime is coming with Chiaki, and Shuichi is coming with Kaede.

Makoto finally reeled in Sayaka? Good for him.

Hajime and Chiaki made it clear as day what their relationship was.

However, Shuichi and Kaede are a little odd. I guess they... Nah. I got nothing. Guess they just like each other.


Kyoko and I stepped into the lobby and walked over to the front desk.

Desk lady: Hello, can I help you two?

"We're meeting some friends. You know that Pop Idol, Sayaka Maizono? She's with them."

Desk lady: Oh them, they said you'd be coming, they're in the second to last room on the right, down that hallway.


We walked down the hall to the room.

Kyoko: Do you think they started yet?

"Better not have, I wanna hear Hajime sing again."

Kyoko giggled into her hand, I put one hand on the door and the other in my pocket.


I let Kyoko go before I entered the room myself, I shut the door behind me while entering,

Hajime: Y/N! Kyoko! Great to see you two made it.

"Glad we could, seems like you're all having fun."

Hajime: It's been a real blast, but now that you're both here we can start the real fun.

Hajime had a devious look on his face,

Makoto: you make it seem like we're gonna do something bad.

Shuichi: I agree with Naegi, we're only doing karaoke right?

"That's what I was told."

I said walking over to sit next to them with Kyoko following behind,

"So who's going first?"

Heartbeat For A Tin Man -  Kyoko Kirigiri x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now