Chapter 25 : Why Did You Break Up With Me?

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d a m i l o l a

My mom's back in America, but obviously she ain't back in the house because I only see her come in late at night since four weeks ago. Damn, I feel like those annoying wattpad characters that don't have parents sometimes, but I understand that she has important deals to secure right now-besides, Mrs. Anderson always checks up on me so I don't die by accident or something.

Today she came home early though, and she's grilling me like I'm some criminal as we prepare dinner.

"How many tests have you had so far?-go and bring more oil from the store, this one is not enough."

I do as told and hand her the jug of olive oil, laughing. "Mummy, if I start counting the amount of tests I have, we will not sleep today."

She raises a brow. "Why are you saying it like it's a bad thing?"

"Did you like writing test in Secondary school?"

We stare at each other for a long second, then we burst into laughter.

"The only time I even bothered to read was when I wrote WAEC and JAMB." She tells me laughing. "I cannot come and go and kill myself because of exam."

I don't want to say "i know right" because I know my mom will start lecturing me about the importance of school like a hypocrite. So instead I laugh along, glad that she's here and she's happy.

"What about NECO?" I raise a brow as I help her pour the pepper into the pot.

She laughs again. "Please abeg, what can NECO achieve for anyone!"

My chuckle is drowned out by the sizzle of cooking oil. Goddamn, how long is she going to let those onions fry before she pours in the pepper? It's beginning to choke me.

"I'm sha studying for SAT." After a while of us just cooking together, I speak up again.

"Good girl. You know your exams are important." She she just wasn't calling exams a waste of time five minutes ago.

Just as I'm about to make a mistake by calling her out, the doorbell cuts me off.

"I'll get it." With a couple of long strides I am at the door, looking through the peephole to see...Jungkook?

"What the hell are you doing here?" The door isn't even completely open by the time I start whisper yelling.

Said boy wears a smile and the sexiest skin tight jeans I've ever seen-no, Damilola, do not get horny in the vicinity of your mother.

"I came to see you." He whispers back playfully. "Your house smells like chicken and pepper, and why are we whisper-oh."

I don't even have to turn to know my mom's behind me. I can sense the looming presence of ass whooping.

But I guess I won't be getting whooped today, because I hear her exclaim. "Ah han! is it not my favourite boy?"

"Good evening miss." He bows, and I'm taken back to the time when my mother first fell in love with him bc he was "the only person in America who knows how to greet".

"Good evening Johnny." He smiles amused at the nickname. "I haven't seen you in a while! Please come in, have a seat." She beams.

I'm trying so hard to hide my smile because this is so unusual that it's funny. She doesn't smile for any of my other "friends" when she sees them. Actually, she tells most of them to leave before she brings out her slipper. But here she is, talking to Jungkook like we've known him for thirty years.

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