Halloween: Part 2

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*Warning Contains Clowns*

Amelia's POV

We waited on the platform for the next train which was two minutes, "are you sure about not telling your dad about Michael?" Rosie asked concerned, I was cold and shaking the movie mix with Michael scared me.

"Yeah, it's stopped bleeding now anyway." Taking a seat when the train arrives we are the only people in this compartment until we reach the next station and man in a clown outfit gets on.

We figure he had just been to some Halloween party but he sees us and stays standing at the far end of the compartment. He stares at us not moving, it's freaking me out. Rosie seemed to feel the same.

He stays there the entire journey as we reach our stop we both made a quick exit heading for the escalators. As we near the top I thought we were safe but footsteps make us look back and the clown is about 15 steps away from us he lets out a creepy clown laugh.

Quickening our pace we start for home but I look around again when we are well away from the station and he is following us. "Rosie, do not slow down."

"He's still flowing us?" she sounds as scared as me.

"Yes, start running and don't stop you know the code if you get there before me, shout for dad." We ran and he chases us.

End of Amelia's POV

Rosie is a lot faster than Amelia and pulls ahead of her remembering what she had said Rosie got to the gate first and went straight inside thinking Amelia was right behind her, "Mr Mercury!" she shouts bursting in the living room door.

The four members of Queen are all still there when Rosie bursts in Freddie's up in a flash, "Rosie, what's the matter? Where's Milly?"

"C-Clown chasing us, Milly is right behind..." Rosie stops when she looks back at the front door but Amelia isn't there.

Realising what that meant Freddie runs past her out to the front gate, Roger behind him. John and Brian stay with Rosie.

The both into the street to find Amelia struggling to free herself from the clown, "Dad!" she cries her eyes filled with terror his arms encased her to his chest.

Freddie and Roger race forward to help, Amelia gains an up hand and kicks the clown in the shin, he groans releasing her. She runs straight for her dad pulling him and Roger back through the gate. Roger slams the gate closed she's safe now.

Amelia run straight inside to find Rosie she is sat next John, tears running down her face, the blonde stands, "I'm so sorry I thought you were right behind me."

"I told you to speed up and get help, I knew you were faster than me." Amelia is crying and shaking by this point.

Freddie comes in, "Are you okay Milly?" He tries to wrap Amelia in a hug but she backs up right into Brian who was coming in the room with some water for both of them, his sudden appearance made Amelia scream and jump away from him backing up into a corner too scared to be touched.

Hurt flashed across both Brian and Freddie's eyes but they gave her some space backing up onto the sofas letting her join them at her own pace but she stays in the corner so Freddie tries asking questions to distract her, "How do you end up with him chasing you?"

Amelia gulps the lump in her throat down, "I don't think we were his intended targets we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Rosie is less shaken and explains, "Yeah we were on the tube coming here and the station after we got on that clown got on. He stood staring at us the whole journey. When we got off we didn't think he was following us until we left the station and he sped up with us. I think if there had been any other girls on that train it would have been them he followed."

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