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Sat in Miami's office Freddie waits for the other band members to arrive, "Where are they?"

Miami raises an eyebrow, "They're late." Freddie could feel the irony of the situation, they're giving him a taste of his own medicine. A knock on the door announces they're arrival, Brian enters first followed by Roger and John.

You could the tension with a knife, "If anyone wants any tea, coffee, bladed weapons... just ask," Miami paused, "Who wants to go first?"

Freddie jumps right in, it's his fault that this happened, "I will. I know I've been hideous and I deserve your fury. I've been selfish and an utter asshole really."

"Strong beginning," Roger was angry more about Amelia than anything else so he wasn't about to roll over and give in easily, he would make this as hard as possible for Freddie.

"Look I'm happy to strip off my shirt and flagellate before you... or either I could ask you a simple question?"

"I'm good with the flagellation."

Freddie sighs, "What's it going to take for you all to forgive me?"

"Is that what you want Freddie?" Brian asks, "I forgive you, is that is can we go now?"

"no!" Freddie burst he can't lose this chance to make things right, "I need you and you need me. I want to Munich and hired a bunch of guys, I told them what to do and the problem is they just did it. No push backs or rewrites. So go ahead name your terms."

"Could you give us a moment please Fred?" Brian ordered rather than asked. Freddie left the room as did Miami and they discussed they're terms.

John asked them back in letting them take their seats before naming their terms, "From now on, every song no matter who wrote it, music, lyrics... it's by Queen, not one of us. All the money, all the credits, split four ways evenly."


Roger continues, "We have a problem with the people around you."

Freddie knew that would come up, "Paul is out, I fired him."

"On what pretext?" John ask.

"Villainy and keeping Milly's calls from me. What else?"

Miami jumps in, "Bob Geldof, I called to convince him to squeeze you into the line up for the live aid concert but he needs an answer now. You need to make a decision."

Roger scoffs, "We haven't played in years, it's suicide to play again in front of millions."

"Try over 1.5 billion," Brian corrects.

"Look all I know is that if we wake up the day after this concert and we didn't do our bit... we will regret it till the day we died. Please." Just as much as the others Freddie wants to do this, he'd beg if he had too. The others couldn't argue with that, they all agree.

Freddie turns his mind to the bigger reason he has come back, "Now which one of you has my daughter? She didn't say when I saw her last week."

Roger knew this was coming but he isn't ready to let Amelia go, he actually enjoyed having her. The house felt less empty with her there, he doesn't want Freddie to hurt her again but he would be there for her again in a heartbeat if he does, "she still with me and you have a lot to catch up on."

When it comes to Amelia, Freddie couldn't explain the guilt he felt and the anger towards himself for abandoning her, "I know I do and I thank you for looking after her, you've been a better dad to her these last few years then I have."

Roger scoffs, "That an understatement." He couldn't count the number of times Amelia had come to him for a hug and a chat because she misses her dad.

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