Girls' Night Out

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Rosie's birthday is the day that all four girls are finally having their 18th night out. Brianna had turned eighteen at the end of September and Jessica at the beginning of October, the 9th of November is Rosie's.

She had spent the day with her family but arrived at Garden Lodge for 6 o'clock to start getting ready. Amelia opens the door when she arrives wrapping her in a tight hug, "Happy birthday, Rosie. These are for you."

Stepping inside Rosie takes the box and opens it revealing gorgeous pair of silver glitter heels, "Oh my god Milly, thank you so much." She wraps her friend in another hug.

"Well you said you couldn't find a good pair of heels for tonight and when I saw them I knew they would go," Amelia shrugged, she loves a reason to go shopping

The blonde beams, "I shall wear them with pride." She follows Amelia upstairs where the other girls are getting ready.

"Wine?" Amelia offers from the bottle on her bedside table, "You are eighteen now." Rosie gives in and pours herself a glass starting to get ready herself.

"Is that your uncles I saw when I came in?" Jessica asks applying some mascara.

"Yes they are having a 'band meeting' or in other words, a beer and scrabble night," Amelia has a sneaky suspicion they are here to help Freddie get the four girls back into the house when they come back in the early hours of the morning.

Terry is kindly dropping them off at the nearest bar on his way home then they are on their own from there. By the time they are ready to go they have already finished a bottle of wine, they nosily make their way downstairs.

Upon hearing their chatter Freddie exits the living room followed closely by the others, "You girls do know it's November right?" he refers to the fact that not one of them has jackets

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Upon hearing their chatter Freddie exits the living room followed closely by the others, "You girls do know it's November right?" he refers to the fact that not one of them has jackets.

"Yeah but that's what alcohols for," Jessica shrugs as if it were obvious.

Amelia joins in while motioning Terry to hurry up, "And we've already had a bottle of wine so that means we are good to go, dad."

Roger snorts at the fact that the girls are already tipsy and haven't left the house yet, "You girls are going to be so drunk when you get home."

"Good luck dropping them off Terry," Brian chuckles. Terry rolls his eyes herding the four girls out to the car.


The guys have actually been invited over because Freddie has some important news to share with them. They had just ended their first game of scrabble after the girls had left and they were about to start another, "Before we have another round, have you got a second? I have something to tell you."

Roger takes a sip of his beer, "Yeah, what's up?"

Freddie doesn't want to beat around the bush so tells them straight out, "I've got it."

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