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Two days before Amelia's birthday Amelia woke up to her dad shaking her shoulder, "What time is it?" She groans.

"Just gone 9 o'clock."

Amelia sighs rolling back over on to her front, "Then why are you waking me up? It's my day off."

Freddie huffs a laugh, "I know but Jessy is on the phone and she sounds upset."

Rolling out bed she wraps her blanket around herself and heads downstairs to the phone, "Jessy?" she asks into the receiver.

"Milly, I really need your help will you meet me please?" The sleep-in Amelia's brain fades the moment she realises that Jessica is crying.

She brain immediately thinks the worst, "What's wrong Jess? Has something happened? Are you calling from a phone box?"

Jessica's voice is small, the sound of traffic and background chatter can be heard through the phone, "Yeah I am so I can't tell you over the phone, please will you meet me?"


"Kensington square garden around the corner from the high street."

"Yeah, I know where you mean um..." Looking at the clock and back to her pyjamas, she calculates the time it will take her, "I can be there in... 30 minutes."

"Okay, I'll see you soon and thank you."

The line went dead and Amelia looks at the phone trying to figure out what could be wrong with her best mate, "Is Jessica alright, Milly?" Freddie asks her when she enters the kitchen.

"I don't know, she didn't say just that she needs help. I'm meeting her at Kensington high street in 25 minutes," Amelia bites into her piece of toast screwing her nose up as she doesn't like the taste, odd I usually like this bread.

Freddie frowns worried that something might be really wrong, "Do you need me to come with you?"

"No, I'll get to the bottom of it," She wrecks her brain for the possible reason, "Oh god, I hope Gwilym hasn't broken up with her. I'll kill him if he has."

"Give us a shout if you need a hand, love," Jim grins he has become just as protective of the girls as Queen, Freddie chuckles having just had the same thought.


Amelia's POV

I reach Kensington square garden and at first, I couldn't see her but I finally notice her sat on a bench over the other side of the square, she's hunched over as though she's trying to hide.

"Jess?" I call quietly as I sit next to her. She looks up at me her eyes puffy and red, "Jess what's happened. Everyone at home alright?"

"Yeah they're fine," She sniffs so I try again.

"Is it to do with Gwilym?"

This time her eyes well up she cries into my shoulder, "He hasn't broken up with you has he?"

She sits back wiping her tears away, "No he hasn't dumped me."

"Then what is it? You can tell me, Jess, come on your worrying me."

"You promise this stays between us for now at least?" I nod I just need to know what's going on she's scaring me, she looks round to make sure no one is close enough to hear, "Okay I'm um... I... I think... I'm pregnant."

Well that's not what I was expecting, I watch her get more and more upset the longer I don't stay anything but my mind has frozen, "Have you took a test?" That the only sentence I could piece together.

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