Chapter 4

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Raven's P.O.V

I hold my head in my hands as I think about the situation, I was currently in. Why is this happening to me?

This has made me realise one thing though, I shouldn't have wished for a Wattpad girls' life, look what it caused.

I had to talk to Kourtney about this, she was the only person that could make me feel better and give me some advice about what I should do.


Me: Hello Kourtney.

Me: Can I talk to you?

Kourt: Hiiii.

Kourt: You called me by my name, that means it's not something good.

Kourt: What happened?

Me: I'm getting married.

Two whole minutes had passed and Kourtney still hasn't replied.

Is it possible to die from shock? I couldn't be the cause of her death; she had a child for goodness sake.

Me: Can you reply?

Kourt: Sorry.

Kourt: I just needed to process what you said.

Kourt: You're getting... married?

Kourt: Is this a joke?

Kourt: Am I the MOH?

Me: Yes.

Me: No.

Me: Yes.

Kourt: WTF!

Kourt: When and how did you even find a guy to marry?

Me: My parents arranged it with their friend's son.

Me: I don't even remember him or what he's like.

Kourt: Woah...

Kourt: I have no words.

Kourt: I guess that's cool in a way.

Me: How the fuck is that cool?

Me: My whole life is basically about to end and you find that cool?

Kourt: Why is your life going to end?

Kourt: Is he some type of serial killer or something?

Me: Shut up.

Me: You know that I didn't mean it in that way.

Kourt: Okay look.

Kourt: I know this is a really serious matter because you're getting married to someone you don't even love, more importantly, don't even know.

Kourt: But the thing is, you always read these weird Wattpad stories and now that this is happening to you, maybe you should give it a shot.

Me: Kourtney, Wattpad isn't reality as much as it pains me to say it. This is real life; I can't just get married to a stranger.

Kourt: Then try your best to get to know him whenever you meet him.

Kourt: When are you going to meet him and his family?

Me: I don't know.

Me: His family are coming over today but I'm not sure if he will be coming with them.

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