Chapter 6

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Raven's P.O.V

When I arrive downstairs, I see Ryder's and my parents talking about, what looked like something important while the three girls were talking with each other, looking really bored.


I completely forgot about them; I feel bad now, they probably didn't have anything to do. I should talk to them for a bit or ask them to come upstairs with Ryder and me.

"Raven, you're finally here, can you please come and help me in the kitchen?" mum asks, walking into the kitchen without waiting for my reply. I sigh and follow her lead.

"How is he? Is he nice? Do you like him? What do you think of him?" my mum bombards me with questions as soon as I walk into the kitchen

"Mum, please calm down. He's alright but the annoying thing is that he acts so possessive about me and we're not even a thing yet."

"You might have not noticed it but just because you guys haven't met in a long time doesn't mean you never had a thing. And that's good, if he's being possessive about you maybe he is starting to like you."

"Mum, he doesn't even know me, so him being possessive about me isn't a good thing, he's probably acting like that because I'm going to be his "property," not because he likes me."

"Please stop complaining so much Raven, and why aren't you happy? You always used to tell me these types of things happened in the stories you read. You're finally a Wattpush girl now."

"Mum, no, no, no. It's called Wattpad, not whatever you just called it," I cringe, having to strain myself from smashing my head against the wall.

"Yes darling, I know what it's called, that's why I called it exactly what you said," she says, starting to heat up the mouth-watering chicken samosas.

Just before she could grab the plate, I stop her by grabbing her arm, "mum, you don't have to do this, please go spend some time with your friends."

"Are you sure honey?" she asks me, looking up at me to make sure.

"Yes, mum. You haven't seen your friends in so long, you deserve to spend some time with them and talk to them."

She smiles at me one last time before walking out of the kitchen, I grab the tray filled with samosas before placing them into the oven so they could heat up.

While they were heating up, I grab nine plates, glasses and five bowls.

I fill the five bowls with crisp, one for my parents, one for Ryder's parents and two for the girls.

After the samosas are heated up, I plated all the plates with three each and fill the glasses with coke.

I place seven plates, seven glasses and four bowls of crisps onto a big tray before walking out of the kitchen and into the living room.

I hand everyone a plate and after they thank me, I walk back into the kitchen and grab Ryder's and my plates then start walking back upstairs.

Just as I began walking up the stairs, I recall the bored faces of the girls sitting in the living room.

Turning back around, I smile at them. "Why don't you girls come upstairs with me? You three must be getting bored."

Avery smiles at me, then opens her mouth to answer but Trisha interrupts her, "no, no, they're fine here. You go on."

"Oh, I kind of wanted to get to know the girls too," I try to persuade her, hoping she would let the girls come upstairs with me.

"You can talk to them another time Raven; they're not going anywhere so you have loads of time."

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