Chapter 31

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Raven's P.O.V

"Raven, you look absolutely breath-taking," Tyler says, grabbing both of my hands into his own and looking me up and down.

I bite the inside of my cheek, shyly, "so do you."

He lets go of one of my hands and pulls out the chair next to him. I sit down and he carefully pushes me in, sitting back down on his own chair.

"You're not wearing glasses?" I ask him, realising his cute specs were gone.

"I've got my lenses in," he points to his eyes, "I didn't wear my glasses because they make me look really ugly."

My eyes scrunch up into a glare, "what?! You do not look ugly with your glasses on! They look adorable on you, never say that again or else," I threaten him, very loudly might I add.

The venue, filled with chatter, ceases, making me look up to see mostly everyone looking at us. I mean, looking at me.

I nervously laugh at them before looking down at the floor again.

A few moments later, the conversation that once was in the venue comes back, making me let out a breath of relief.

Looking up, I see Tyler blushing. I don't know where all the bravery came from but I lean over and pinch his cheeks, "you look so cute when you blush."

His cheeks become redder but I'm not sure if he was blushing deeper or if it was because I squeezed his cheeks.

His eyes move away from me to someone behind me. I turn around on my chair to see a middle-aged couple walking towards us.

I can tell they were a couple because the man had his arm around the lady's waist. A small smile appears on my face by looking at the cute couple.

They stop walking when they arrive at our table, "hello, Raven," the lady says, smiling at me.

I stand up, smiling back at her, "hi?" I say nervously.

"My name is Fleur," she introduces, "Moretti."

My eyes basically bulge out of their sockets, "M-Mr and M-Mrs Moretti! It's wonderful to finally meet you," I say, stuttering over my words.

"Please don't be nervous honey," Mr Moretti says, with a gentle smile.

"Yes. Please don't, we're all basically a family and it's good to finally meet you too. We were all dying to," Mrs Moretti says, then pulls me into her arms.

Mr Moretti also gives me a hug after Mrs Moretti let me go, "and also, please don't call us that, just call us by our names. I'm Alessandro."

"No, don't call me Fleur, please call me mom," she says.

"I'm sorry, I can't call you mom," I apologise.

I feel Tyler stiffen a bit beside me while Fleur's smile falls making me feel so bad.

"That's alright sweetie, if you're not comfortable in calling me that, you can call me Fleur," she says, about to walk away.

I shake my head with a small smile and grab onto her wrist, "no, what I meant is, I won't call you mom but I can call you mum?" I ask with a smile, "I am British after all."

Her face brightens up showing me her true beauty, "of course you can," she replies, kissing me on my forehead.


An hour has past and I'm pretty sure all the guests had arrived by now. It was time for dinner and all of Tyler's family was sitting at our table.

I feel kind of awkward because it seems like the family table and I don't feel right here. I was going to go but Tyler stopped me and told me it was fine.

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