Chapter 29

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Raven's P.O.V

Did he really just say first date?

And I couldn't believe he just kissed my cheek. It felt like the best thing in the world.

"It was a date?" I ask him shyly, blushing deep red.

Of course, it was a date! What is wrong with me?

"Yeah. This was my first ever date and it was with the most special person in the world," he says, I could feel him smiling down at me.

I look down on the floor feeling so happy. I really wish Tyler was my first date too.

"This was the best date ever Tyler and I feel so honoured to have been your first date. But why didn't you just ask me on a date?" I ask him. "Why were we 'hanging out'?"

He scratches the back of his neck and kicks something on the floor, maybe a stone.

"I didn't want to get rejected," he says.

My eyes soften at him, bringing both my hands up to his face, I hold it between my hands, "I would never think about rejecting you."

I can see his chest puff up as he takes one of my hands away from his face and kisses it, making me blush again.

"I'll keep that in mind for our next date," he says.

"You should probably go inside now; I don't want to get beaten up by Tom. He's probably wondering what's taking you so long," Tyler laughs, still holding onto my hand.

"Yeah, Tom really cares about me."

"That's good. Wait here, I have chocolate in my car for him," he says, walking back over to his car and taking a bar of chocolate out of one of the compartments.

I smile, looking down at the chocolate, "you're a really good person Tyler, everyone that has you in their life are
so lucky."

"It's really nice hearing you say that."

I blush and wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him for the last time that day, "I should go inside now, have a safe trip back home. And message me when you arrive home," I say.l pointedly.

"I want to be sure you get home safe; or else I'll be worried."

I could see the outline of his head move up and down, "goodnight Raven," he says, kissing me on the cheek.


As soon as I step foot into my house, I am tackled to the floor by a small figure who is now sitting on my stomach.

"Did he do anything to you? Are you okay?" Tom asks me, looking at me closely to see if I'm hurt.

"Tom, I'm fine baby. Tyler took good care of me," I tell him, "you're the one that tackled me!"

He huffs, looking into my eyes and slowly nods, getting off of my stomach.

"Look what Tyler got for you," I pull the chocolate out of my bag and wave it in front of Tom's face.

He grabs the chocolate out of my hands and starts jumping up and down, with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Tyler is awesome. I want him and you to be together now."

I start laughing, "you never know Tom, maybe we will end up together."

I really hope so.

"I'll put this chocolate in the fridge and eat it tomorrow. RayRay, you should go to bed now, like a good girl."

I kiss his cheek, "okay, my lord."

Teehee, Voldemort must be quaking.

Running up to my room, I jump on my bed, not caring about the shoes that I was still wearing.

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