Chapter 46

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Raven's P.O.V


My water had broken a couple of hours ago, I was so scared and excited at the same time. The pain was slowly killing me.

Tyler had rushed me to the hospital and everyone was here with me, they were all waiting outside.

Tyler was the only one who could be in the room.

"Please calm down Mrs Moretti," the nurse smiles at me nicely but I just glare at her in return.

"Have you ever been in labour?" I ask her in a sweet voice, swallowing down the pain so it doesn't blow the cover.

"No Mrs Moretti, I haven't yet," she smiles at me before looking down at the floor.


She jumps back in shock with fear evident on her face, her eyes widen as they slowly start tearing up, she quickly runs out of the room.


"Baby calm dow-" Tyler cuts himself off when he sees the glare, I was giving him, he slowly scratched the back of his neck while nervously chuckling.

The midwife walks in through the doors making my eyes widen this time, "Mrs Moretti, you are fully dilated, it's time," she says, "It's time to push. Start when you feel."

I take a deep breath before I start pushing with as much strength I had, "AHHHHHHHHH."

It felt like every part of my body was doubling in size, everything was hurting so much and my head was pounding as I had a really bad migraine.

"Push again."

Pushing even harder than the first time, I couldn't hold in my scream, "MY VAGINA IS RIPPING, HELP ME."

"Again, I can see the head."

"I HATE YOU SO MUCH TYLER, DON'T YOU EVER DARE TOUCH ME WITHOUT A CONDOM," I scream pushing again while I grip onto his now blue hand.

From outside I could hear Anna and Lucas burst out laughing which pisses me off further, "both of you, shut up," Fleur yells at them which makes them shut up.

After pushing another several times and nearly passing out the room was starting to spin and I had to struggle to stay awake.

"One last push Mrs Moretti, then you get to hold your baby in your arms," she says making me smile.

Tyler was probably terrified right now, I was sweaty everywhere and smiling like a wicked witch, "AHHHHHHHHH."

That was the last push and scream I had let out before the room was filled with a baby's cry, I tried keeping myself awake but fell unconscious to my baby's cry.


As my eyes slowly open, I immediately close them due to the light.

When my eyes get used to the light, I look up to see the nurses face about an inch away from mine.

My eyes widen as my breath hitches in my throat, "AHHHHHH," I scream, absolutely scared shitless.

The nurse jumps back looking at me scared, I glare at her daggers at her.

Why on earth was she scared?

She was the one that scared the death out of me.

"Oh dear," I hear Lucas say from behind the doors, "is she going into labour again?" he asks making Anna laugh.

"Shut up Lucas," Tyler screams at him before running in through the door.

"Hi baby, how are you feeling? Are you okay? You scared the absolute shit out of me when you fainted."

When he says baby, my eyes widen and I start looking around, "where is my baby?" I ask him frantically, thinking the worst.

"Right here," another nurse says, walking in through the doors with a baby in her arms who was covered in a light pink blanket.

"It's a baby girl," I whisper looking over at Tyler with tears in my eyes, feeling so many different types of emotions erupting inside of me.

Tyler and I hadn't wanted to know the gender of the baby, we wanted it to be a surprise.

The nurse walks up to us and places my precious gem into my arms.

A tear slides down my cheek when I see her gorgeous brown eyes, "she's breath-taking," I whisper, caressing her cheek with my thumb.

"What would you both like to name her?" the nurse asks us, looking between Tyler and me.

I turn to Tyler, "you pick a name for our baby."

He smiles at me then nods, kissing my forehead he looks up at the nurse with tears in his eyes.

"Hawk Moretti."

The nurse's eyes soften at us before she writes the name down with a smile on her face, "a beautiful birds name."

Tyler leans in and pecks a kiss on our daughter's cheek.

"Just like her mother's."

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