Chapter 35

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Raven's P.O.V

When I wake up the next morning, I sit up to see Tyler standing in front of the mirror, trying to fix his hair.

I wish I could wake up every day to see his handsome face. I look beside me to see Tom was missing which completely made me lose my shit.

"Where on earth is Tom?" I scream, jumping out of my bed, nearly in tears.

Tyler turns around away from the mirror and smiles at me, "good morning to you too Raven," he says making me glare at him. "Tom is with Kourtney," he says and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I couldn't let anything happen to Tom, he was my responsibility and if anything happened to him, Kourtney would kill me. And I would lose her trust forever.

After I freshen up, I walk downstairs to make myself some breakfast but before I can, someone grabs my wrist from behind me and pulls me so hard that I crash into their well-built chest.

Grabbing onto their muscular arms, I look up to have my eyes connect with these gorgeous light blue eyes.


"What happened? Why did you pull me?" I ask him after I have broken my trail of thoughts.

"I'm going home now, I was wondering if you could walk me off to the door?" he asks, taking his arm away from my waist and using it to scratch the back of his neck like he always does.

I haven't even realised where his hands were before he took them away, thinking about it caused heat to rise in my cheeks.

We walk to the door and give each other a hug, Tyler pulls away from me, leans down and kisses me on my cheeks which ends up filling up with tingles.

Just before I can close the door, he sticks his foot in-between the door and the frame, I look up at him confused thinking he probably left something.

"Tomorrow morning, we're going on our second date for breakfast," he says, smiling at me which makes me return it.

Knowing I get to spend more time with Tyler makes me feel happy and giddy inside, I really enjoyed his company.

"And tomorrow, on our date, you are going to tell me the exact reason you don't want to go back to your own hometown," he adds making my smile vanish.

Tyler turns around and walks up to his car while I still stand there not knowing what to do.

I slowly close the door and lean against it. I know I have to tell him at some point and I guess that time has come.


The next day has come, Tyler has picked me up from my house and now we were in his car, driving to the breakfast place.

I had been feeling nervous since Tyler had left yesterday and it still hasn't stopped.

I really didn't want to tell Tyler about him because he was one of the big reasons, I left my city, but I really like Tyler and he deserved to know everything about me... even my horrible past.

We have arrived at the breakfast place and this time I have brought enough money to buy food for myself, I knew Tyler would bring me over to an expensive place so I came prepared.

Tyler leads me over to a two-seated table and takes out the chair for me, every time he does something like that it makes my heart melt.

As soon as we both place our butts down onto our seats, a waiter immediately rushed over to our table.

"Merci d'être venu ici, que voulez-vous commander?" he asks us before we could even open the menu and decide what we wanted.

(Thank you for coming here, what do you want to order?)

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