Chapter 34

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Raven's P.O.V

"Sure, I'll wash the strawberries and you just sit there," I tell him, walking over to the fridge, I take out the box of strawberries.

One thing that would never run out in this house are berries, all three of us love strawberries so much, we buy like four big cartons every week.

I dump all the strawberries into a bowl and place them under the sink, turning the tap on, I watch as the water pours all over the berries.

Running my hands through the berries, I wash them as thoroughly as I can, making sure they're really clean.

I place the bowl back onto the counter and turn to look at Tyler who was unwrapping the chocolates, breaking them into pieces and placing them into another small bowl.

Turning the microwave on, we leave the chocolate in there for about a minute and a half.

During this time, I throw the wrappers away while the boys stand in the corner munching on some leftover chocolate.

They look so cute together.

Before the microwave could hit the last second, I pull open the door and slowly take out the bowl that was now filled with a gooey melted chocolate mixture.

I stir the chocolate with a spoon, making sure that there aren't any pieces of un-melted chocolate at the bottom. The pieces of chocolate that were still intact ended up melting as I stir the chocolate.

"Do you guys want to help me dip the berries in the chocolate?" I ask them, Tom immediately runs over and stands up on his stool.

He grabs a very big and juicy looking strawberry and I place my hand above his small ones, leading him into the bowl. I don't want him to burn himself.

I then grab my own berry and am about to dip it into the chocolate when a big hand is placed on top of mine. I look up to see Tyler smiling at me.

We both dip the berry in and place it onto the place, neither of us looking away. We just stand there, gazing at each other.

Tyler and I both slowly lean in, just a little bit, that's when someone clears their throat making Tyler and I jump away from each other.

Tom smirks up at us, "I'll leave you both alone," he says, running out of the kitchen.

Tyler and I don't say anything else while we coat a few more berries for Tom. I pour the rest of the melted chocolate into two small bowls, one for me and the other for Tyler.

Tyler grabs the two bowls of melted chocolate while I take the plate of uncovered strawberries and Tom's plate.

We walk over to the living room and take a seat on the sofa. I hand over Tom's plate to him and he smiles up at me.

"Thank you RayRay," he says, giving me a cute smile and taking a bite out of the strawberry which ends up covering his whole mouth with chocolate.

We eat our strawberries talking. Tom was giving us 'privacy' by watching YouTube videos on his and his mother's iPad.

"What busy thing were you doing this whole week that you couldn't even take some time out for me?" I ask him, giggling.

"My family and I have been planning to go on holiday," he smiles.

"That sounds fun, where are you going to go?" I ask him about to take a bite out of my berry when his next words stop me.


I look up at him, trying not to show the bit of sadness in my eyes. I don't want him to go that treacherous place that broke my heart.

"You're going to go to London?"

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