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(Toms point of view)

~7 am.
I just woke up and took my phone from my table.~

{3 messages from manager}

{3 messages from manager}

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Tom: crap

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Tom: crap... I'll have to lie about y/n.. i just hope she doesn't watch the interview..
ill just have to explain it to her after..

(Y/N's point of view)

~11 am.
Olivia just drove to my house~

Olivia: soo! Tell me whats going on with you and tom!

Y/N: he is a really great guy but we have only been out once..

Olivia: but you texted me you two kissed??

Y/N: we did! But he's a celebrity.. i shouldn't get too excited.. he can get whoever he wants

Olivia: but he's lucky to get with you ;)

Y/N: haha thanks olive.
So what are you up to?

Olivia: i thought maybe we could go to the beach? I alredy packed

Y/N: sounds good, ill go put on my bikini
Just wait for me in the car.

~i went upstairs and packed my stuff, and put on my favourite bikini~

~i went upstairs and packed my stuff, and put on my favourite bikini~

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~i took my bag, phone and keys and walked out to the car.
Olivia drove us to the beach and we found a place to park the car.
The beach was full of people swimming and playing in the sand.
We walked around in the sand until we found a place to put down our towels.
We helped each other put on sunscreen and then we sunbathed for a couple of hours~

~suddenly i could see a tall brown haired boy walk over to us.
When he got closer i could tell it was Jay,
Me and olivias childhood friend~

Y/N: omg! Jay!?

Jay: long time no see y/n!

~i rushed up from my towel and hugged jay, Olivia right behind~

Y/N: so what have you been up to jay?

Jay: well after elementary school i went to high school in La, and now im here in london, ready to start at the "Royal academy college" studying dance and theater.

Y/N: no way! Thats where me and olivia are going too after the summer!

Olivia: thats right!

Jay: thats so cool! We can start hanging out again!

Y/N: you are reading my mind!

~me, olivia and jay exchanged phone numbers and then he went back to his friends and we went to olivias car and drove home~

Y/N: i cant believe it! We can all be friends again!

Olivia: i know right! Im so excited!

~when we got home to my apartment olivia sat down in my couch and turned on the tv while i began making some food.
Olivia swapped thru the channels and found tom on an interview.~

Olivia: y/n come look! Tom is on tv!

~i walked over and sat down in the couch watching tom talking about his new upcoming movie~


Interviewer: sounds like a really good movie! Ill definitely watch it when its coming to the movie theaters.

Interviewer : now to something more personal, there has been a picture of you and some girl trending all over the internet, is anything going on between you two?

(The interviewer said so while a picture of me and tom shows on the screen)

Y/N: oh no...


Tom: uhm... no she was just a fan coming to take a picture with me..

Interviewer: oh so you dont know her personally?

Tom: no.. no i dont..

~i switched the channel and walked over to the kitchen again..
I felt hurt.. and angry.. but I couldn't blame him.. how could i be so stupid and actually think that something would happend with tom? He is a celebrity.. and im just some normal boring girl..~

Olivia: im so sorry y/n..

Y/N: no its ok.. i blame myself for actually thinking that he liked me.. we only kissed and nothing more.. he probably does that with a lot of girls...

Olivia: okay.. but ill head home, ill talk to you tomorrow

~Olivia gave me a hug and then drove home..
Not so long after my phone rang.. i went to check who it was but when i saw toms name i decided not to pick up..
I was very sad.. and angry at the same time.. the last person i wanted to talk to was tom so i ignored all his phone calls and text for the rest of the night~

(Toms point of view)

~after the interview i called y/n but no answer.. i called her all night and send her endless amount of messages.. still no respond~

Tom: i really f*cked up..

~haz came into my room because he saw the interview and i told him everything..~

Haz: you have got to make it up to her again..

Tom: i know! But she wont answer my calls and she doesn't respond to my text messages either..

~haz gave me some advice and then he went to sleep..
I couldn't sleep all night.. all i could think about was y/n..~

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