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(2 months later)

(Y/n's point of view)

~Tom and i text everyday, and talk on the phone almost every night, but i miss seeing him face to face.. i really do..
School is going great and i have had dinner with the hollands a few times, i really love their company.
Haz have been back in London a few times and we hang out every time he visits, but tom is too busy..
2 days ago i decided i want to visit him, so im taking a week off of school and catching a flight tomorrow morning, im currently packing all i need with a little help from olivia.~

Y/N: all packed up! Thanks for the help olive

Olivia: no problem!

Y/N: well its already 10pm i should probably get some rest

Olivia: yeah me too.. ill see you tomorrow!

~i went to bed and fell asleep quite quickly.~

(5:30 am)

I got up and got dressed, sweatpants and a hoodie to be comfortable for the flight
I made a cup of coffee and called olivia telling her i was ready to go.
She came and picked me up, and we drove to the airport.
Olivia: have fun!
We hugged and i went to the gate.~

(Time skip)

~the flight just landed and im heading outside to catch a taxi.
I drove to the hotel where tom stayed and knocked on their room
"Heyy y/n!"
Harrison said as he opened the door
"Tom is at the studio, and im heading down to see him, you can unpack your stuff and come when you are ready"
He gave me the address and then left.
I unpacked my stuff and changed into a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.
I took my bag and walked down the street,
My heart began beating harder and i was a bit nervous, but also excited.
When i arrived at the studio a sweet lady gave me a cup of coffee and helped me find toms changing room.
I opened the door and saw a room full of people
I dont know who most of them are, but i could see haz in a chair talking to some guy, and tom across the room with.. a girl..?
~i dropped my coffee on the floor and everyone was looking at me..
Tears started forming in my eyes and i turned around and ran away..
Haz chased after me, and tom was right behind him..
"How could he.." i thought to myself, while i kept running away..

What did tom do!?
Will it ruin his relationship with y/n!?

Sorry for the short chapter

You & Me // Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now