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"Y/N wait!" I heard haz shout behind me.
I ran around some corners and into a small closet where i hoped they wouldn't find me.
Footsteps ran past the room, so i thought i was clear, but suddenly the door open and i saw haz look inside.
"Y/N!? There you are" he said closing the door behind him and walking over to me.
He sat down on the floor beside, "haz please just.. leave me alone"
Silence filled the room and in the corner of my eye i could see haz moving closer to me.
"y/n.." he said shyly looking at me,
I turned me head and realized our faces were inches away.. he put his hand on my cheek.
"Haz?.." i said confused, not knowing what to do in this situation..
He closed his eyes and and moved closer till our lips were almost touching..

Tom shouted as the door bursted open and haz jumped back.
Haz stood up, he was pissed..
"Cant you see how bad you are treating her tom!?" Haz shouted back at tom.

"You know i wasnt cheating on y/n with that girl and that it was only for the movie, this is just your way to get y/n to you self! Now let me talk to MY girlfriend"
Tom said.

"Maybe you should watch your mouth tom, and leave her alone!"
Haz's hands were almost ready to punch tom.

"Haz.. its okay.. ill let him talk.."
I said taking harrisons hand so he wouldnt do anything..
"Would you mind giving us a minute?"
Then haz walked out the door..

I said back down and tom came over and sat down beside me..
"I swear this is a mistake.. she is playing the love interest for spider man and we practiced some of the lines for the next shoot later.."


"Please y/n you have to believe me.."

"Its not that i don't believe you tom.. i just don't know if i can do this.. i miss you, every single day.. and every time im on social media i see rumors about you and zendaya.."

"y/n you know those rumors aren't true.. i only love you.."

"I- i know.. but its hurting me too much.. im sorry tom.."
I stood up, eyes full of tears "goodbye tom.." i said as i walked out the door and out the building. Haz saw me on the way out but i avoided eye contact..

(Toms point of view)

Just as y/n walked out the room my eyes filled with tears.. this cant be true.. i cant loose her..
The door knob slowly turned and haz walked in the room.
"Haz you aren't really the person i wanna talk to right know"

"I know.. im sorry tom i don't know what came over me.. it wont happened again"

"You don't have to worry about that.. she broke up with me.."

"What!? But you explained the situation to her right?"

"Yeah.. but she has seen the rumors on the internet and its hurting her too much.."

"No tom this cant end now.. you have to go find her!"


"Im serious tom! Go find her"

"Theres no point.. she is probably already in the airport, on her way home.."

"Come on mate ill drive you to the airport then!"
And with that haz pulled me up and dragged me out to his car, and drove me to the airport.
I texted my manager and told him i would take the rest of the day off..

"I only love you.."

You & Me // Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now