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(Toms point of view)

Tom: come on haz we have to drive faster to get there in time!

Harrison: its illegal to drive any faster! We will get there i promise..

The rest of the ride was really silent... i was still mad at haz for trying to kiss y/n, but i cant blame him... i have been the worst boyfriend ever... i wish i could start from the beginning again...

Flashback: i waited at the parking lot for the person to come get the phone. Soon the most beautiful girl i have ever seen walks up to me... was she the one who last her phone? I couldn't get my eyes off of her...
(Time-skip - y/n got her phone)
That day i couldn't stop thinking about her... i knew i had to shoot my shot, I'm lucky i wrote the number down...

(At the airpot)

As soon as haz found a free spot at the parking lot i immediately ran in the airport and asked a few people for the soonest flight to (your country)

Tom: im sorry sir, do you know where the flight to *country* is??

Old man: im sorry to inform you, but that flight took off 26 minutes ago.

Tom: oh-... okay, thank you.

"I cant believe it... i lost her.. the most wonderfull person to ever walk into my life... lost" those words kept going around in my head untill-

Y/N: Tom?...

I immediately turned around as i heard the familiar voice

Tom: y/n!? Omg your here!
I walked over to her fast and gave a her a warm hug.
Tom: I- i'm so sorry y/n... i- i really thought i was g- gonna lose you...

Tears began running down my cheeks.
Y/N pulled a way from the hug, cupped my face with her hand and looked me in the eyes.

Tom: I'm so so so sorry... I'm the worst human ever-

Before i could finish my sentence y/n pulled me closer and kissed my lips passionately.
I have really missed this... missed her.

Tom: i thought i was gonna lose you...

Y/N: you wont ever lose me... i love you.

Tom: no, i love you y/n.

Harrison: aww isn't that the cutest ever.

Tom: f*ck off Harrison.
Harrison laughed and i took y/n's hand and her baggage, and we got out to the car to drive back to our hotel.

(Time-skip, a few weeks later)

Everything was almost back to normal, me and y/n happier then ever, i was working in my movie and my friendship with Harrison also went back to normal... no hard feelings.

Today im going to take y/n ti a very special place, i have everything planed.

(Y/N's point of view)

I just finished getting ready fir my date with tom. At around 7pm tom picked me up and we drove to the location. I had no glue where we were going, but the i saw all the lights.
We were at a carnival, the one were we had our first date to be exact. I was so exited.

Y/N: omg tom this is gonna be wonderful!

Tom: i new you would like it

We tried all kinds of games, and of course i won over tom in ring toss. Tom bought me a blue candy floss, my favorite, which i ate in the matter of seconds. The night passed by really quickly because of all the fun we had. But the night isn't over yet, we needed the most important thing, the ferris wheel.

Tom: come on y/n, lets go on the ferris wheel!

Tom basically dragged me to the ferris wheel.
The wheel began moving slowly, and soon it was on the top. You could see all the pretty lights from the big buildings in the city.
When we were at the top it felt like time stopped. I turned around to see tom all nervous.

Y/N: are you okay tom??

Tom: w- what? Oh yeah.

This was where we got our first kiss. I leaned in closer to tom and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips.

Y/N: just like the first time.
I said and giggled.

Tom: y/n?

Y/N: yeah?

Tom: you are the most amazing, beautiful person i have ever met. You can always make me smile, and make me feel better when I'm sad. The time we have spent together has been the best time of my life, and I couldn't be happier. I am truly the luckiest guy in the world.

Y/N: aww tom, and in the luckiest girl in the world.

Tom ruffled with something in his pocket and got down on one knee.

Y/N: t- tom?
I was in shock, and could feel tears forming in the corner of my eye.

Tom: y/n, will you marry me?

Y/N: of course tom!

Tom put the ring on my finger and quickly got up to give me a hug and kiss me.
I couldn't believe it, was i dreaming?
I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend then tom.

"Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back.
Those who wish to sing.
Always finds a song"

You & Me // Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now