(( 10 ))

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(Y/N's point of view)

(School clock rings)

"Finally, monday is always the hardest day.."
"I couldn't agree more" olive said while we walked over to our lockers.
I put my books inside and closed it,
"Sooo will you tell me what happened to tou and tom yesterday!?"
"Hahah, ill save it for later olive".
"So what are your plans for today?" Olive asked me as we walked towards the exit.
"Maybe grab some coffee-"
I was interrupted by a voice calling my name the door leading outside.
"Y/N?" I looked up and saw toms mom looking at me.
Why was she here? I thought to myself.
"Will you excuse me for a second olive?" Olive walked over and talked to someone else from our class and i went over to toms mom.
"I just wanna apologize for my horrible behavior at the dinner, you didn't deserve that." She pulled out a wrapped box from her bag "maybe this will help you forgive me?"
I could tell she was actually sorry, by the way she looked down at the floor.
I opened up the box to reveal the book i have been wanting for so long
"Omg!" I almost screamed and jumped init her arms "how did you get this? Its not even in bookstores yet?"
"I know someone" she said with a smile
"Thank you so much Nicola (toms moms name)"
"Can you forgive me?" She asked polite
"Of course, everyone deserves a second chance"
I hugged her again and she offered to drive me and olive home.

(At my place)

"Should we go down and get a coffee?" I asked olive who was laying down on my couch with her phone.
"Im so tired tho..." olive looked at me with a pouty face.
"Aww come on, the coffee will help"
"Fine" she said and we got up and walked down the street to my favorite coffee shop.
We sat at a table near the window and drank our coffee.
"Omg he is so cute" olive said as a tall, blonde haired guy walked into the coffee shop.
"Go get his number olive!"
"i cant.. im too scared!?" She looked at me with a frightening look
"Then ill do it" i got up and walked over to the boy standing in line while olivia tried to pull me back "no y/n.. cmon... ugh" but she gave up quickly.

"Hi, im y/n"
"Hi.. im ethan, nice to meet you".
"Nice to meet you too, are you new here in london?"
"Yeah actually me and my mom just moved here, so im trying to get some friends and settle down."

"Would you maybe want to sit down with me and friend?"
"Sure that would be great." He then got his drink and we walked over to where olive sat, and i introduced them
"Ethan this is olivia, olive this is ethan."
She fumbled with her fingers and looked shyly at her drink.
We began talking for a bit and after 5 minutes i decided to give them some alone time
"Im gonna head home".
"What? Why y/n" olive asked me looking confused.
"Thank me later" I whispered in her ear and picked up my bag.
"It was nice meeting you ethan! Olive ill see you tomorrow"
I gave them both a sidehug and walked home.
It seemed like they liked each other's company.

On my way home i got a text from tom.
Toms text: hey babe, i have bad news.. can i come over?
I replied "sure thing" and went inside my apartment.
Soon enough tom came over and we sat down in my couch.
"Is everything okay tom?"
"Yes.. well no.. i got a call from my manager earlier and she told me i got the lead role in the new movie spiderman - far from home".
"Wow! Thats great babe" i was excited for him but still confused why he looked so sad.
"We are shooting in LA and germany.."
Oh.. thats why..
"You're leaving london?" I didnt really know how to react..
"Yeah.. the flight is tomorrow night.."
"Oh" i said as i got up and walked out to my balcony.. "i need some fresh air".
Tom came outside and stood behind me.
"I wont be gone for long.. ill be back in 10 months, and probably some weeks off in between".
Tears started to form in the corner of my eye..
Tom noticed and took me in for a hug
"Im so sorry darling, i promise ill keep contact, i love you"
His shirt was soaking wet from my tears
"I love you too tom.."
We spend the rest of the evening at my house and we ended up falling asleep on my couch.

(Beep beep - beep beep)

Toms alarm on his phone went off.
Tom checked his phone "6 am, i have to go home and pack baby".
We got up and ate some quick breakfast before we drove to toms house and i helped him pack all his stuff.
Harrison was going with tom so he also got his things ready.
"Okay i have got all my stuff packed up now" tom said.
"Wheres your passport tom?"
Tom began looking for his passport and found it in his dresser "here" he said.
"How could you almost forget your passport??"

(At the airport)

Tom and harrison checked in and got their tickets, then we all went inside some shops and they bought some snacks for the plane ride.

"Plane 787 boarding now"

I went over and hugged harrison "ill miss you haz"
"Ill miss you too y/n, promise me to stay safe!"
I laughed "always".
Then i went over to tom and hugged him tightly
"Promise to call me every night?" I looked up at tom with a pouty face.
"I promise" he answered and kissed me in the forehead.

"Last call for plane 787"

"I love you, angel"
Him calling me angel gave me tons of butterflies in my stomach.
"Love you tommy"
They took their baggage and walked to the gate.
They both waved one last time and then went inside the plane.

Its not a "goodbye",
just simply a "see you later".

You & Me // Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now