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(4 weeks later)

I can't believe this! Tomorrow is the big day where I'll be perfoming for hundreds of people! Im so nervous.
Tom came in the room interrupting my practising.

Tom: come on you've got to take a break! I know you will do perfect tomorrow just please.. take a break.

Y/N: i know.. your right.. wanna go get some lunch?

Tom: YES!

We went down the street to a cafe and ordered some food, then ate and went back home where i started practicing again.
When i finally decided to take another break i saw the clock was 01:39.
Shit! I went downstairs to see tom sleeping on my couch.
"Awe hes the cutest" i thought to myself then went to my room and got some sleep.

The next morning i woke up, the time was 7 am so i got up and took a quick shower, changed into clothes and got down to wake up tom.

Y/N: babe ive got to go to school, ill see you later at the play

I kissed him on the forehead and then drove to school. I couldn't focus while at school because i was so nervous, it felt like a million years when the clock finally rang and i went down to the theatre room and we all began practicing and getting ready for the show which would be starting at 6pm.
After a lot of hours i finally felt like i was ready to go on stage.

Teacher: 2 minutes everyone! Get ready!

I stuck my head out the curtains to find tom.
I saw him sitting right there in the front row.
Im so nervous.. i was interrupted in my thoughts by my teacher "1 MINUTE!" Then i went into position and i was ready. "Lights off.. spotlight on!".
I went on stage and everything went well, i got eye contact with tom once in a while and it seemed like he enjoyed it, he made me feel so safe.
When the kiss scene came up my hand where really sweaty, jay walked up to me and said his lines.

Jay: cassie, i know its wrong but it feels so right..

Y/N: jack.. we cant do this.. if somebody finds out they will kill you!

Then jay got closer, leaned in and our lips met.
The audience stood up and clapped and the curtains closed.
I stopped the kiss and went out to change, but before i did that jay came into my changing room and asked me to meet him at the pergola down by the lake, i nodded as an answer.

 I stopped the kiss and went out to change, but before i did that jay came into my changing room and asked me to meet him at the pergola down by the lake, i nodded as an answer

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I got changed and went down to meet jay.
It was already dark and the moon was really pretty.
I saw jay standing inside the pergola leaning up against the pillar.

Y/N: hi, whats up?

Jay: hi..

Y/N: is everything okay?

Jay took my hands and looked me in the eyes.

Jay: i dont know if its just me but i felt like there was something in that kiss.. something more then just the acting..

Y/N: jay idk.. it was a play and we where just acting you know..-

Jay stopped the sentence by kissing me. He put his one hand on my neck and the other on my cheek. i pulled away and looked at him in confusion.
Jay turned his head and i saw him smiling so i looked where he was looking and saw tom standing in full shock.. he looked mad.. by then i knew i fucked up.. how could i be so stupid!?
No.. how could jay be so stupid!?
Tom turned around and ran away while jay stood with a smirk on his face.

Y/N: what the heck jay!

I turned around and chased after tom but couldn't see him anywhere.
I took out my phone to see his location and saw a small dot in the city so i ran that way.
I ran down a lot of creepy streets and it being dark didn't help.. i was lost.. i didn't recognize where i was until i saw a red and green neon sign. The club! I checked his location again and it said he was close so he must be in there!
I ran up to the door and walked in.
A lot of people were dancing around with drinks and blocked the way so i couldn't see.
After a lot of squeezing inbetween people i finally saw tom sitting by the bar drinking.. i walked up to him but he was too drunk to even recognize me. I took his hand and led him out the bar. "Tom cmon" i said while he was clinging on to me with one hand and a beer in the other.
After an hour of walking we finally came to his apartment. I walked up to the door and rang the bell. Seconds later Harrison opened.

Haz: what happened!?

Y/N: tom is drunk..

Haz: he never gets this drunk? Is he okay..

Y/N: after the play i went down to the lake to meet jay bc he asked me to and suddenly jay kisses me!? I tried pulling away but he didn't let me, tom came down and saw us.. now he thinks I kissed him.. but i promise i didn't want to!

I walked inside and put tom down in the couch.
Haz came over to me and tears started forming in my eyes. Haz took me in his arms and comforted me.

Haz: its okay.. its okay.. ill talk to him tomorrow okay?

"Okay" i replied still crying into his shoulder.

I took toms arm around my neck and helped him up to his room. I put him on the bed and then walked out his room but was hold back by tom. He stood up and began kissing me, then he pushed me up against the wall but i tried stopping him. "Tom stop..".

Tom: i want you so bad.
He whispered into my ear while his hands where all over my body. He began kissing me down the neck and slowly opening my dress but i stopped him.

Y/N: tom no.. ive got to go..

Then i walked out of his room and down the stairs in shock.. what just happened!?
I quickly went out the door but stopped and turned around to see harrison looking at me.

Haz: are you okay?...
He said looking worried.

I walked up to him and hugged him.
"Ill be fine, thanks haz" i said then i went out and walked home..
When i got home i saw a text from tom.

Toms Text: baby i want you so bad.. please come back.

I was so shocked.. i didn't want to reply.. i just hoped haz took care of him... we would have to work this out another day.. right now i didn't have the energy and i was confused about the whole situation.. i changed and then went to sleep.. i was so exhausted that i fell asleep in no time.

You & Me // Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now