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(Y/Ns point of view)

~its been 5 days since the interview..
I get some text throughout the day from tom but i don't answer.. im still really hurt but i feel kinda bad.. maybe i should let him talk.. maybe theres a good reason..~

~i sent him a text saying~

Y/N text: if you want to talk then meet me at the beach at 8pm.

Toms respond: tysm y/n i will be there!!

~Olivia is out with family today so i had nothing to do.
I got a text from jay asking if i wanted to have lunch at a cafe.
I texted him back about some details and we decided to meet by 1~

(At lunch)

~we sat at the cafe and talked for hours.
I had missed talking to jay so much..
We talked about all kinds of stuff.. family, hobbys and more..
When we finished eating he followed me home~

Y/N: thx for lunch jay, i guess ill see you when school starts in a week?

Jay: ofc! See you y/n


~i took on some clothes and when the time said 7:50 i started walking to the beach~

~i waited at the beach for tom but he didn't show up..
(8:30) still no sight of tom so i decided to begin walking back.. when i suddenly see tom running down the stairs form the parking lot..~

Tom: omg y/n i am so so sorry! I have been such a jerk.. but i promise i can explain!

Y/N: i see you know my name.. i thought i was just a fan..?

Tom: no your not!

~tom started showing me the messages his manager sent him and explained what happened~

Tom: i had to lie because of my manager.. if it was up to me i would have told the truth! Please give me a second chance..

Y/N: tom..

Tom: i know its my fault and im such a jer-

~i let my lips meet his before he could end the sentence...~

Y/N: if you tell me thats the truth.. then i trust you.

Tom: you dont know what this means to me
y/n.. i couldn't bare loosing you.. i know we just met but you mean a lot to me.. and i think im really falling for you..

~tom started to blush while saying all the sweet things~

Y/N: im falling for you too tom.

Tom: so i get another chance?

~i began blushing and gave tom a smile~

Y/N: ofc tom.

~tom picked me up and hugged me tight.
I rapped my legs around his waist and burried my head into his shoulder~

~tom carried me to his car and drove to his apartment~

Tom: do you mind staying the night with me?

~i laughed a bit~

Y/N: sure ill stay :)

~we walked in the house and i introduced myself to Harrison.
He told me to call him haz so thats what ill do.
We put on a movie in the living room and after a while i fell asleep on toms shoulder.
When the movie was done tom woke me up by carrying me to the guest room.~

~when he put me down i held onto his arm and made him stay.
He tucked us in and i fell asleep in his arms~

You & Me // Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now