Chapter Two: The Hidden Love

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This is Chapter two of the story taking place after chapter one enemies are not revealed in this chapter but Kion will learn more about the roar, Beshte and Bunga will be in this story more.

As Kion wakes up, he notices that Rani is still sleeping, He gets outside get a drink of water before Rani wakes up, when he gets back to the tree, Rani wakes up and lays on her back. Kion jumped onto the rock and sat next Rani. Kion wanted to confess his feelings to her but doesn't know how. before than, they both hear something outside of the tree.

Outside of the tree is the night pride and the lion guard, with Anga on the night prides side, They have a much better sight of what is going on at the mountain pass but nothing was going on last night. night pride and Anga turns in for the day

Rani went on patrol with Kion today, Bunga has jumped on Beshte's back going on patrol with him, first Rani and Kion checked on Sabor, he was doing fine as always, his leg is almost completely healed. As Kion and Rani walked around their lands, they see something going with at the forest, and start running to solve the problem. The problem was two animals has claimed the area of land as their home and start to argue with each other, Kion stops them before thing start to get worse. What is going on here? They both explain at the same time, one at a time, The mirror cat explained to Rani he is not letting me dig holes so that I can go underground. The fox wanted to make it's den there where the meerkat was digging Rani has moved the meerkat Rani asked who was here first, The meerkat was there first. Rani moved told the fox to move it's den slightly to the right. they both accepted and agreed to share the lands. Rani left their lands with Kion.

Beshte and Bunga continue their patrol together, Ono flew down to see how they are doing. Ono, Bunga says as he flies down, is there is problem, Bunga asked, nope, just looking around for issues. Anything around the mountain pass, Ono still hasn't seen anything their, still no footprints Ono flew away checking to see if everything else is going okay, so far it is.

Fuli decided to go on a run with Azzad again. Fuli and Azzad just like Kion and Rani has something special. Ono has a secrete from Anga but wanted, sense he his smaller he is much harder to spot, he flies down and tries to scare them both, they didn't move on inch as the lock each other to their eyes. Ono decided to leave them alone. Did you hear something? Fuli asked Azzad, Azzad saw what happened but didn't spoil it to her.

Back at Kion and Rani, they sat at the lake together and look at the sky as the clouds move, Kion as noticed a storm brewing over to the west and moving away, but birds told both of them that the pressure is dropping, giving a good chance for a storm to pop up, partly cloudy skies that could change with in a few minutes. Kion still wanted to confess his feelings to her but still doesn't know how, Rani feels the same which is the main reason why she made him king. Kion looked at the fish jumping out of the water catching bugs. A storm started to brew over to the east and headed, cool breeze from the storm got Kion's attention as the winds start to pick up, We should tell everyone to take shelter even us, 15 minutes later, Kion and Rani heads to the tree as the sky starts to get dark with a huge rain shaft coming in fast with a few rumbles of thunder, Kion got worried that lightning would strike the tree but it had a protective barrier that prevents lightning striking it. as the storm gets closer and they can see the low hanging clouds as to starts to sprinkle a little

 as the storm gets closer and they can see the low hanging clouds as to starts to sprinkle a little

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