Sequence Two Trailer: The New Evil

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"Darkness, evil, but one evil respects the circle of life." Nemesis follows the dark red dotted path down, "The clouds move with the wind, each land is ruled by some kind of animal." Nemesis looks ahead of him, "But no king rules forever" Nemesis found Ajax in his usual area, Nemesis starts snaring his teeth,
Ajax sees Nemesis coming up, he makes a stern face to him, than green flames forms around of eye turning it green as he growls, he stomps his paw on the ground, green flamed appears on his mane and starts spreading around his body turning his mane black and his fur darker, Ajax's lion starts walking up around Ajax with one in front, camera turns to Nemesis as he smiles evilly

ZombieChameleon presents

The last lion runs to Nemesis, white arrow appears out of the orb and shoots it to the lion's head killing him, Ajax charges at Nemesis as another white arrow hitting Ajax's shoulder, he strikes Nemesis but he jumps up into the air and does a backflip and lands further away, Ajax growls, he roars but not at Nemesis, three boulders starts floating from the mountains and starts heading to Nemesis, Nemesis doges the first boulder, and slides under the second boulder, than shoots another white arrow at the third boulder, the boulder breaks into many pieces and the white arrow hits the mountains, Ajax stares at Nemesis and takes the orb of darkness out of his mane puts it into the air, black ash starts circle around Nemesis severely limiting his vision, Nemesis looks around, dark red glow lights up the ash behind Nemesis and sound from the orb goes through the air, Nemesis ducks as Ajax stikes just missing Nemesis, than disappears, Nemesis turns around, still sees nothing, he looks around again, Ajax tries to strike again but Nemesis ducks, a roar fills the air, Nemesis turns around to the roar only to see a huge boulder heading straight for him, Nemesis tries to jump out of the way but trips, the boulder hits him head on, Ajax uses the orb of darkness the clear the ash, he sees Nemesis is crushed by the boulder, Ajax takes a breather, suddenly white strings appears on Ajax's back and connect to the ground, Ajax paw breaks one string but it puts itself back together, Nemesis reveals is true self, his paw is reveals first than rest of the body is revealed, his head is revealed last, white string appears on the mountain and grows all the way to Nemesis' paw, the string wraps around his paw, Nemesis brings down his paw and moves to huge boulder to Ajax, he roars at the boulder, due to the string limiting his movement, his aim isn't perfect, the boulder splits into three pieces and hits Ajax directly, the dust clears as Nemesis slowly walks up to Ajax with the orb of mystery on his paw, more white string appear on Ajax back and connects to the ground, Ajax tries to break free but can't, Nemesis puts the orb of Mystery in front Ajax's head, white stripes goes around his head as he tries to move away from it, Ajax brings his claw out fully and temps to strike at Nemesis but more white strings appears stopping the motion, Ajax front legs is guided back down to the ground by the strings, Ajax falls down to the ground as the strings get tighter, Nemesis puts the orb of mystery on the ground then puts his paw and Ajax's mane,

"You are too weak to use this orb." Nemesis grabs the orb of darkness and takes takes it out, this hurts Ajax, to him, it feels like his entire mane his being ripped off, Nemesis looks at the orb of darkness, the orb rejects him, red stripes starts forming around his paw, but his anger fuels him more than the pain
"To wield so much power." Nemesis said
"That power, it will corrupt you." Ajax said
Nemesis looks up into the sky, "This world" than looks back down at his father snaring his teeth, "Is corrupted
Nemesis grabs the orb of mystery and looks at both of the orbs, he notices something about them almost like they are trying to connect, he brings them closer and and the connection gets stronger, Nemesis touches two orb orbs together and starts crushing them, Ajax's face becomes worried, as white and red stripes shoots out of both the orbs, Nemesis pushes them harder, his breathing gets heavier, he tries as hard as he can and starts roaring, Nemesis successfully combines the two orbs together, a huge shockwave fills the air, the snow circles around, the clouds disappears revealing the sun shining on Nemesis
"And I am going to cure us all." Nemesis said
the orbs of darkness stops destroying Nemesis but huge black mark goes through from his front right leg and his paw all the way up to his face, it's looks like his face was struck by lightning.

End of the trailer

This was fun to write, but Ajax was defeated and Nemesis got the orb of darkness, how will he be stopped now.

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