Chapter Thirteen: Relationship issues

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This takes place after chapter eleven and twelve

Kion is walking with the lion guard lair with Vitani, all of his friends are right by him, they walk a few minutes until reaching the lair, as Kion enter, he sees hyena pups inside the lair,
"Um what are they doing in here?" Kion asked
"We agreed to let them stay in here until the Outlands are safe again." Vitani said
"Alright, if everyone is here, I guess we can start talking, when Simba visited me unexpectedly, Ajax also came in and started attacking, then I guess after Simba left, Nemesis followed him, took over the Outlands, during that time, Ajax has a roar, it's not like mine and Vitani's, he uses it for evil but he doesn't lose it, he keeps it. it wasn't easy but we were able to fight him off until he grouped up with Makucha, at that point, we were all separated, most of us were doing okay, but me, Rani and the... mandrill named Ezekiel was facing Ajax, his roar became for powerful then mine, breaks my shield, when we all grouped up in the middle, Ajax was too powerful so we had no choice but to escape, so we did, Ezekiel saw that Ajax was not stopping, so he sacrificed himself to save us, he was a smart and powerful mandrill." Kion explained
Makini walks by Kion, "We still have his power Kion, I need practice, just don't know where." Makini said
"Um, not really many places to practice the spells, but I guess the power will be good in your hands." Vitani said
"Alright Vitani, your turn." Kion said
"Okay, Nemesis took over the Outlands, banished all hyenas, his first attack was Simba, Kiburi caused a distraction while Nemesis took down Simba, Nemesis kept attacking the Pridelands but he failed then I later realized that all those attacks were just finding our weaknesses, he used it against us, but we still managed to fight him off, then he picked a pretty bad fight with Reirei, broke her leg and banished her pack out of the Outlands, nothing else really happened until you came in Kion." Vitani explained
Ono thanks of the situation "Well, the lion here does not respect the circle of life but his father does, they both are evil but for different reasons, I need time to process this, any more information Vitani?" Ono asked
"Not much, but when Nemesis was on top of Priderock, he said this was revenge for what Kion did to his father." Vitani said
"What, all I did was defend my home, nothing else." Kion said
"Um, looks like he's just trying to impress his father but something is just missing, he's trying too hard." Ono said
"Alright, if anyone got information about Nemesis, report to Ono." Kion ordered
"Will do Kion, although it's not going to be easy, Nemesis doesn't really give out secretes and even when he does, the Vultures are too big to even get close." Vitani said
Mazingo flies in, "Vitani, next attack is Kiara and Kovu." he said
Kion looks at Vitani, "What was that?" Kion asked
"Nevermind, let's just get Kiara and Kovu to a safe place." Vitani said
Kion and Vitani walks out of the lair together, Rani, Baliyo, and Nirmala walks together to the river.

Kion and Vitani walk up Pride Rock together, Vitani bluches a little but quickly looks away, Kion notices but decides to let it slide, Vitani's heart races, she starts thinking
"Oh, I need to tell my feelings before this gets worse, but at the same time, I don't want to embarrass myself, what to do, what to do." Vitani thought
"Hey Vitani" Kion said
Vitani gets out of her thoughts and sees that she almost fell off a cliff, "Oh sorry Kion, coming." she said
Kion and Vitani makes into the cave, Nala sees Kion, "Kion, what are you doing here?" she asked
"Hey mom, my home been taken over, and I have some bad news for you." Kion said
"Kion, what is it?" Nala asked
"Remember that mandrill named Ezekiel, he passed away saving me and my friends." Kion said
Nala is hurt quite a bit form this, "Oh my." She said
"You're going to be okay mom?" Kion asked
"I'll be okay my son." Nala said
Simba wakes up and looks at Kion, "Dad, why would they do this to you?" Kion asked
"They want the throne that I have, hopefully I can recover from this." Simba said weakly
Kiara and Kovu walks in, Vitani looks at them, "Ah perfect, you too need to stay in here at all times." she ordered
"Why, I'm the queen and he's the king, we need to go around and do our duties." Kiara said
"Nemesis has planned another attack, and it's on you too." Vitani said
Kovu's face looks worried "Well um, okay sis, we will." he said

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