Chapter Seven: Huge Discussions

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Kion and Rani and the entire group including Sabor and Ezekiel is inside the tree discussing about the attack from Ajax and his roar.
"We need to find a way to defend the tree" Rani said
"Well he has a roar juts like me and we are down three members." Kion said
Ezekiel steps up, "You just need to keep practicing your roar Kion, I am pretty sure you can defeat him" Ezekiel said,
"Anga we have two flying members temporarily down and I need you come back to the day." Rani said
"But who will be eyes for the night?" Anga said,
"I will, I can see really well at night." Sabor said
"Then you will be on petrol at night Sabor, and Anga, go ahead and start looking for trouble" Rani said
Anga flies out of the tree to keep an eye on things
"Ezekiel, we will need you pretty much all the time, you are a good fighter, better then any of us." Rani said.
"Well I am pretty good but without my staff, I am useless" Ezekiel said
Kion looks at Ezekiel, "No you are not, you are very smart as well." he said
"Makini, we will need you too, not sure how good of a fighter you are but I am sure you are a good one" Rani said.
"She is a pretty good fighter Rani" Kion said
"Wait, Kion, that thing you created that blocks attacks what is it called, A shield, maybe you should use that to protect us." Rani said
"I could use it but I need some more practice to use it properly." Rani said
"Alright, I"ll start right away, Fuli you help Rani make plans" Kion ordered
Kion walks out of the tree and starts heading for the rocks to practice his roar,

About ten minutes later

Kion made it to the rocks, "Askari" Kion asked for him, clouds spin around and Askari appear in the middle, "Kion, you're here for more training on the roar?" Askari asked,
"Yes I am but I also need to ask something too, if Ajax has a roar like mines, could he summon a shield just like mine?" Kion asked,
"um, possibly and their is also a chance that he could break it so this training, I want you to break your own shield." Askari said
"Okay but how am I going to do that?" Kion asked
"Simple Kion, you roar at it." Askari said
Kion roars into the air forming a shield twenty feet away from him. when Kion stops, the faces in the clouds keep roaring keeping the shield up.
"Now Kion, roar at the shield." Askari ordered
Kion roars at his own shield, instead of the shield deflecting the roar it pushes the roar sideways, their was a little crack on the shield but was quickly repaired.
"Roar harder and longer Kion, The shield is tough." Askari said
Kion roared harder at his shield, his roar went sideways it the shield started to crack. Kion keeps roaring until he runs out of breath, when Kion stopped roaring, he sees that the shield is completely cracked but of course quickly repaired.
"Oh come on" Kion started to get angry, the clouds turn dark and Kion started roaring in anger, the roar went straight for the shield and multiple light lightning strikes following going straight through the shield like it was nothing. The shield cracked and finally broke causing a small shock wave to hit Kion, the shock wave wasn't strong enough to go through the rest of the kingdom, Kion stopped roaring to see that the shield is finally broken.
"well done Kion but you got a little inpatient and started using your anger to roar although the lightning was impressive and speaking of it, lightning is your next step in training." Askari said
"Askari, I already know how to summon lightning, why do I need to train more for it?" Kion asked
"Kion, you may already know how to summon lightning but you will learn how to control the lightning." Askari said.
"Alright, how to I control it?" Kion asked.
"First, clear your mind of everything, even the good parts, you need full focus on this and it will take a long time to fully control it." Askari said
Kion, starts to clear his mind,
"Now Kion, roar and then focus it on the lightning" Askari ordered
Kion roars summoning the lightning and then focusing his roar on the lightning, the lightning starts to spin a circle but that was just the beginning of his training, Kion stops roaring.
"Great job Kion, but when you can fully control it, lightning will be all over the sky and hitting all of your enemies at once." Askari said.
then suddenly, Kion had an idea. "Hey Askari, can I try something?" Kion asked.
"Sure Kion, but what is it you want to try?" Askari asked
"you'll see Askari." Kion didn't want to spoil the surprise he had for him, Kion roared into the air forming a tornado then Kion slightly changes his roar, lightning starts to form on the tornado and striking all around it. when Kion stops roaring, the tornado starts to dissipates but before it fully dissipates, the face of Mufasa formed as lightning on the dissipating tornado.
"Well done Kion, that was impressive, I'm not even sure if I could do that." Askari said
Kion got a little dizzy from the roar, but quickly regained focus. "Askari, is still more training to do?" Kion asked.
"Yes there is Kion." Askari said
While Kion practices his roar Rani and Fuli continue to discuss a plan.
Fuli had a good idea. 'Alright, I have something, since Kion has the roar, he should be in front of us with Ezekiel by his side, me and Bunga will run and distract the other lions, Beshte will push a rock off a hill and hitting Ajax as he is distracted by Kion and Ezekiel." Fuli stopped speaking and then Rani also had an idea.
"well that is a great plan but I've seen Kion practicing his roar, and it could come in great paw, so Ezekiel will fight Ajax instead and Kion will use his roar to protect others form Ajax's roar meanwhile, Nirmala will stay here protect our injured members while Baliyo and Surak will help with the fightning separating The lions away from Ajax, and if they see them running back. then Surak and Baliyo will pounce on them holding them down keeping their distance from Ajax, and then I will help you and Bunga distracting the other lions. does it sound like a good idea Fuli?" Rani said.
Fuli nodded her head, "Alright Rani, but how will Kion use his roar to protect the others?" Fuli asked.
"You'll see Fuli, he's been practicing" Rani said
shortly after, Anga flies into the tree "Rani, Kion, wait, where's Kion? never mind, Ajax is back and attacking.
"Anga, get Kion, he is practicing his roar, get him,
Anga flies off to get Kion,
"everyone, remember the plan defend the tree of life,
Rani and Fuli run out together and then the other follow except Azaad, Ono, Ullu and Nirmala. the group runs up to Ajax, "Ajax, leave now." Rani ordered.
"No way queen, and now Kion, where is he, anyways, you will surrender your lands to us." Ajax said.
Ezekiel steps up and and stomps his staff revealing the orb on it.
"Alright, have it your way." Ajax roars and then Ezekiel absorbs then roar,
"everyone, remember the plan, Rani, Fuli, and Bunga starts to run around and starts trying distracting the other lion and it was successful, Rawr and three others lions starts chasing Rani, Fuli and Azzad,
"Alright, split up." Rani ordered

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