Chapter Twelve: Journey to the Pridelands

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This takes place just after chapter ten

Kion and Rani's group are sleeping for the rest of the night and just before the sun rises, Kion is just slightly further away from Rani than usual, but he can't sleep, even though everyone comforted him, he's still feels like he failed his friends, Bunga also can't sleep, everytime he closes his eyes, he gets flashbacks of being hanged from the highest point of a tree and almost dying from the fall, everyone else had a slightly harder time falling asleep except Fuli and Azaad, they slept through the rest of the night like it was nothing, Nirmala had a slightly harder time sleeping because her leg was numb from the venom inside her leg, Sabor even had a harder time sleeping because he's not use to have this many animals in his territory, after thirty minutes, Rani starts twitching from her dream

In Rani's dream

Rani is at the tree of life with Kion, all the animals are gathered around the tree, Rani hears something in the wind, "Failure"
the sky turns dark red, fire appears around the crowd, Janna appears in the clouds with a disappointed face
"Rani, you failed your animals." Janna said
The crowd of animals turns to dust
"You've failed your friends, your family." Janna said
Rani's friends, and Baliyo turns to dust
Janna's face jumps out of the clouds revealing her body, "You've failed your king." Janna said
Kion turns to dust, this hurts Rani a lot to see Kion's dust go around her
"Kion no." Rani cried
"You've failed your land, your home, your tree." Janna said
The leaves on the tree changes color as the fall off the tree, the tree falls apart, than the land starts to crack and fall apart, Rani falls through a hole with Janna following
"And worst of all, you've failed me, you've failed Rani." Janna said
"But I couldn't do anything." Rani cried
"The crown is no longer yours, you are unworthy to be queen." Janna said slapping Rani's head
Rani's queen mark turns to dust and floats around her
"I take away your mark of protection." Janna said
Rani mark of protection disappears signalling she is no longer the protector of the Tree of Life.
"But I" Rani said before getting interrupted
"YOU'RE UNWORTHY" Janna said slapping Rani
The dream suddenly changes to nothing but darkness, Ajax floats around, suddenly splits revealing the orb of darkness, Ezekiel's staff appears and breaks in half revealing the orb the mystery, the tree appears catches on fire completely engulfing it, when it was done, it reveals the orb of healing, a huge wave brings in a blue orb, clouds come in with lightning revealing the gray orb, the orbs start spinning around, everything starts getting blinding white as the orbs spins faster and faster

Rani suddenly wakes up, "What was that about?" She thought
Rani looks around, she doesn't see Kion where he was lying, Rani gets up, she realizes that she still has the both marks on her, she starts walking around, she finds Kion and the frozen lake, she walks up to him, "Kion, what are you doing here?" she asked
"Just reflecting, or at least the closest I can get to." Kion said
"I get that you're deflecting, but why are you not sleeping? Rani asked
"I couldn't sleep, I still can't get over that we've lost our home." Kion said
"You still feel like a failure, don't you?" Rani asked
Kion sighes, "Yeah, I still kind of do, it just feels like I don't deserve to be the king." Kion said
"Kion, if it makes you feel any better, I do too, I've had a dream that made me feel like one." Rani said
"You're nothing like a failure Rani." Kion looks into the clouds, "Maybe you should talk to someone in the clouds." he said
"Maybe I should, but you should too Kion." Rani said
Kion smiles, "Alright, we go our separate ways and talk to them." Kion said
Kion and Rani splits off, Kion gets onto a hill, "grandfather Mufasa"
Clouds spin around and Mufasa appears in the middle, "Yes Kion, I am here."
"Grandfather, I've lost my home, the lion with that roar, he took it over with a bigger group, he we had to escape, and we've also lost a good fighter." Kion said
"Kion, you and your friends were in danger, you had no other choice but to escape."
"Yeah, but I feel like I've failed everyone, especially Rani, I can't deal with it." Kion said
"Your friends are still alive, that what matters Kion, never forget that."
"But not all of them, we've had one that passed away, the mandrill who saved my life earlier, he sacrificed himself to let us all escape." Kion said
"He sacrificed himself to save you, likely he saw that they wouldn't stop so he at least delayed their attacks, one life or all of your lives is what he saw, so he took his own to save all of you."
"Yeah but he was a powerful mandrill, he knew what to do to counter the roar that the lion has and now that he is gone, I don't know if we can take back my home" Kion said
"Is there someone else who can wield his power?"
"Makini but she's in training, she only knows a few spells that Ezekiel casted." Kion said
"Then have her train, if the spell is powerful, then you will be able to use it to take back your home, remember, their is always hope, even when it doesn't seem like it."
"Okay, but if we take it back, how will we deal with that lions roar, we can't just take his power away from him." Kion said
"Everyone has a weakness, even the most powerful ones, but that is for you to figure out."
"Okay, thanks Mufasa." Kion said, Mufasa disappears into the clouds

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