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"suit up, everyone!" the gym teacher announced, making the class groan. "we'll be running laps today, since you all wanted to act up while there was a substitute last week."

"uh, mr. park?" when the older man turned to her sora found herself almost cowering back in fear of his scrutinizing gaze, "i- i don't think i'll be able to participate in running the laps. b-because of my a-asthma.."

he chuckled dryly, shaking his head, "i hate people who make excuses the most."

"excuse me?" sora asked, not understanding what he meant.

"just run as many as you can," he waved a hand to dismiss her as he walked in another direction, leaving sora to watch him as she nervously bit her lip.


"are you sure you should be running?" yedam asked, making sure his pace was slow enough so that sora wouldn't overexert herself. she only nodded, too out of breath to do anything other than the small movement.

"bang! pick up the pace!" their teacher called after them.

looking at sora guiltily, yedam considered losing his points for the day just to be sure that sora would be alright. gathering enough energy to speak, she lazily waved a hand to shoo him away, "go."

"sorry," he frowned, before speeding up.

as he sped up, sora could feel herself slowing down, her lungs no longer able to properly take in air. coming to a complete stop, sora placed her hands on her knees as her breaths came out in wheezes.

"just a.. little bit more," she continued pushing herself, not knowing that she was testing her very limits. "never.. mind," sora managed to sputter out before tripping over her feet and landing in the grass next to the track.

"mr. park! sora is having an asthma attack!" a student called, causing the man's eyes to widen.

"well, what do we do?" he quickly asked, not exactly having experience with these types of situations. with the class following, he ran down to where sora was, his eyes widening even more at the state she was in.

"she needs her inhaler!" someone announced within the crowd.

yedam pushed through the people, immediately crouching down next to his friend. with a supportive hand on her back, he helped her sit up. "take deep, long breaths, okay sora? you're doing great," yedam tried his best to comfort her, using what little knowledge he had about asthma attacks to help. "now, can you tell us where your inhaler is?"

she could only shake her head, not having enough breath to speak. he could only guess that she meant she didn't have it.

"ah! she has an extra one in the nurse's office!" yedam stood up, before pointing at a random girl. "keep her upright and tell her to take deep breaths," he quickly explained, then bolted past the crowd, hopping the fence and running into the school.

yedam didn't even think about how out of breath he was, his only thought being that he needed to help sora. finally reaching the nurse's office, he knocked on the door but ended up opening it due to his impatience.

"a student is having an asthma attack, and she needs her spare inhaler," he told the nurse, his chest rising up and down as he tried to catch his breath.

working quickly, the nurse went to the cupboard where they carried things such as inhalers and epipens. "what's her name?"

"izumi sora."

nodding, she handed the small bag to him, ushering him out. not needing any urging, yedam was already out and running again.

"yedam?" kai asked, seeing his friend run by him, "what's going on?"

"sora!" was all he yelled in response.

with no further explanation needed, kai quickly began running after him, it taking only seconds to catch up with him. "here, give it to me!" yedam complied, passing the small bag to him, then watching as kai sped up.

finally reaching the sports field, kai hopped the fence, running to where the crowd of students were.

"excuse me! excuse me," he moved past them, finally reaching the middle where sora sat, her hand gripping the chest area of her shirt. "back away, please! crowds only make it worse." obeying him, the students all took a few steps back as kai pulled the inhaler out of the bag, "here." he shook the medicine, before holding it up to her mouth. breathing it in, sora could feel her airways begin to clear up, as a cough erupted from her mouth. "how do you feel?"

"better.." she blinked staring down at her legs.

"let's get you to the nurse's office," kai wrapped an arm around her, also squatting down a bit so she could put her arm over his shoulders for support.

with reddened cheeks, sora focused her eyes ahead of them, too afraid that he'd already be looking at her if she were to look up at him. just endure it. just endure it. just endure it.

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