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things had felt weird for the friend group ever since sora hadn't been at school. yuna no longer hung out with them, and everyone felt sort of empty.

today was like any other day for them lately. they sat at the lunch table, with the occasional words being spoken, but usually they'd just sit in silence.

"have you seen sora at school lately?"

"no. who knows, maybe she ended up like yeonjun."

the two gossiping girls began to laugh a bit, not realizing that they were talking about her as they walked past her friends.

suddenly, the sound of a hand slamming on a table was heard as someone stood up. the girls froze as they stared wide-eyed at the boy who stared back with a glare filled with disgust.

"hey, don't you have any respect? are you really that low to not only disrespect sora, but also your senior?" jeongin pointed a finger at them, "people like you two are truly the worst. what if it were you in this situation?" the girls remained quiet, too stunned to even respond. "it's not funny anymore, huh?" he scoffed, beginning to walk closer to them, "what a fucking joke." he shoved past the two, too angry to stay in the same room.

the rest of his friends only watched in silence as the person who was usually laidback and never serious had blown up. beomgyu moved to go after him, but taehyun placed a hand on his shoulder, "give him time to cool down."

beomgyu sat back down, but it didn't ease the worry he had for his best friend.

doyoung was the next one to speak up, his voice small as he spoke, "guys.. do you think sora might've gotten the surgery?"

yedam nodded, "that'd make sense as to why she still isn't here."

looking up from his food, kai tilted his head, "surgery? what surgery?"

yedam turned to the boy who sat next to him, "ah, the surgery is an option for people who have hanahaki. basically it removes the plant from your lungs, but also takes away all feelings for the person who gave you hanahaki, along with all your memories of them."

"oh.." kai looked back down at his food, "so she won't like the person who she likes anymore?"

taehyun stared at kai from across the table, his gaze sour as he deadpanned, "no."

despite knowing that it wasn't kai's fault, taehyun had grown a sort of dislike for him over the months that he had realized it was him who sora liked. he assumed it was probably because his own feelings were involved.

"how about we go and visit sora tomorrow?" taehyun suggested so as to try and change the gloomy atmosphere. "i'm sure her parents would be okay with it."

while everyone else agreed to go, kai announced that he wouldn't be able to. "i did bad on a math test, so my mom is making me take extra lessons."

taehyun pursed his lips, "ah, what a shame." 

standing, he grabbed his bag, along with his lunch tray. 

turning to look back before he walked away, taehyun stared into kai's eyes as he spoke, "maybe it's for the best."


second to last chapter is next :/

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