hinata x kageyama → FLUFF

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hinata shōyō x kageyama tobio

i hope you enjoy this oneshot i created, just for everyone!

if this is seems like a copy of someone else's work, i promise it's not. i intend to not copy off of others and i hope it doesn't seem that way


「 3rd  pov 」

hinata was laying in his bed, bored out of his mind. as he was laying there, fumbling with the volleyball in his hands, his mind drifted to his favorite setter. kageyama tobio. his cheeks flushed red at the thought of him. all of him.

kageyamas hands just looked so...how do i put this? holdable. and as mean as he was, hinata still thought he was hot, cute, and dorky. he loved being next to kageyama!

why was he thinking of such a thing?! they both considered each other best friends. kageyama even thought that too! no matter how much they fought, by the end of the day they were still best friends forever.

best friends...


the next day showed up and hinata was riding his bike to practice like normal. this was his favorite part of the day! no not just volleyball practice, but racing kageyama to the gym!

thinking of kageyama again made a soft pink form on his cheeks.

he finally made it to the school and locked his bike up. he walked to the gym and noticed a black haired setter waiting for him while scrolling on his phone at the usual spot where they start the race.

a lightbulb went off in hinatas head. he had the perfect idea...


kageyama was just standing there, waiting for his spiker to sprint on by so they could race like normal.

he felt a small few taps on his shoulder from behind. he looked behind him but saw no one. soon he heard light feet dash their way past him and a cloud of dust. he yelled out loud and began running as fast as he can, trying to catch up to the stupid orange.

when he made it he saw hinata panting with a red face and his hands high in the air signifying his victory.

kageyama however got a different image, making his face go completely red. you could almost see the steam coming out of the top of his head from embarrassment.

he quickly rubbed his eyes, hoping to get that image out of his head. how could he think of that?? sure he's thought of...kissing and cuddling hinata...but never that!

ok ok...kageyama has a small small crush on hinata and from the look on hinatas face staring at him with those beautiful eyes, he may like him back.

kageyama isn't oblivious like a certain someone. he can see the way hinata looks at him and he hopes that he looks at him that way forever.

hinata however couldn't see a thing as to the way kageyama looks at him, but he definitely knew his feelings. they wouldn't go away! and they were so so strong!

his heart always beat faster near his best friend and he could never stop staring at him! he was just so pretty.

he really wanted to confess..but he was scared.

wait why was he scared?? he's hinata shōyō, the soon to be ace. he can do anything!

except...maybe telling kageyama he's pretty. he's get a hit in the head for sure! but if he finally got all his feelings out it'd be worth it...

now he was overthinking it!

'just say whatever! it's not gonna matter! if you get hit in the head just hit him back no problem!' he thought with a half angry and half in love face.

after a lot of thinking...yeah he was gonna do it.


he was currently looking into those beautiful blue eyes. his cheeks were flushed. after a lot of stuttering, he managed to get it out and was now waiting on an answer.

now kageyama was basking in hinatas golden eyes. he got so lost in them, he almost forgot to answer.

"oh! i-um...yes!" kageyama answered with a tiny bit of blush on his face, embarrassed that he was just staring at hinata instead of answering.

shōyōs face turned into one of excited and surprised, "so! so! you really like me too! even if it's weird to like your best friend who's a guy!" hinata said, while jumping up and down and hugging kageyama.

kageyama just smiled and nodded, rolling his eyes as well. as much as he thought hinata was way too loud and energized, he still loved him.


i hope you enjoyed this oneshot i created, just for all of you! questions or concerns? dm me about it so i can fix it :)

small note: happy halloween 🐝💗 i wasn't in the best mood but writing this made me feel better as well as talking to online friends. speaking of, wanna be friends? don't hesitate to dm me if you wanna :3

i hope that everyone trick or treating today is wearing a jacket (depending on how cold it is where you live) and a mask! be safe pls ^^             ily~ 💗

- author chan 🐝

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