bokuto x hinata → ANGST/FLUFF

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hinata shōyō x bokuto kōtarō

requested by: yakelinleal

thank you for requesting! i hope you enjoy this one shot i created, just for you!

this is seems like a copy of someone else's work, i promise it's not. i intend to not copy off of others and i hope it doesn't seem that way


「 3rd pov 」

hinata took a deep breath in, exhaling slowly. he hid a small rose behind his back, signifying his love, as well as a tiger lily, which is bokutos personal favorite.

he was gonna do it. he was going to confess to bokuto. he built up his courage to the highest point that he could reach, just so he could confess properly with no stutters blocking his path.

with one more breath, holding it this time, he walks over to where akaashi had told him where bokuto was.

usually bokuto was behind the school either messing around, getting his uniform all dirty, or just practicing a little with a volleyball. akaashi always studied at this time so he never joined bokuto behind the school.

"he should just be rolling around in dirt so be aware of flying dirt and to not get it in your eye" flashbacks of what akaashi had said earlier when he was asking for bokuto rang into his mind.

he giggles at the thought of seeing bokuto being his silly self just playing in dirt like a little kid, he loved it.

everything about bokuto he loved. his smile, his jokes, his personality, his love for volleyball, his caring nature in his own way.

after a minute of walking (fukurodani was big!) he finally made it to the back of the school where bokuto was said to be found.

he leaned against a wall a took another deep breath in, exhaling slowly. he was gonna do it. he could hear bokuto talking. his stomach was acting up with nerves, he-

wait bokuto was talking?

it wasn't his normal loud voice, he was talking. just talking. so he was talking to someone?

he didn't want to eavesdrop since it was rude, so he tried to block out their voices by staring off into the trees in front of him, but that was harder than he thought...

he heard a meek voice of a girl speak and say something to bokuto, "bokuto...i really like you...and...and i was wondering if we could date..?"

his eyes widened. he forgot about the choice. the fact that bokuto may not even like boys, but girls all the way.

he peeped around the corner, only to see a beautiful girl. very very beautiful. almost as pretty as kiyoko! nishinoya and tanaka would say.

he turned away with calloused hands covering his mouth. his eyes still wide as saucers and tears forming into his eyes.

the girl was too pretty, there was no reason for bokuto to say no.

he dropped the flowers onto the ground and ran away, a trail of tears falling onto the ground and following him as he walked.

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