Chapter 21

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Y/N is indeed planning to find this gold digger and teach her a lesson, but just kept to herself. But still notices that Yoongi is upset.

Y/N: What about you babe? Are you ok?
Yoongi: I am now. ::kisses Y/N::
Y/N: So did you get in trouble because of me?
Yoongi: NO! Bang PD is just himself. He just wants what's best for us, and I understand his point of view, but he doesn't know you...yet. Once he meets you, I know he will love you just like the hyungs and I do.

She's surprised to hear that Yoongi said his band members had a soft spot for her, and that made her smile. Then she remembers, has he even told his family? So she asks him.

Y/N: Have you called your parents yet?
Yoongi: No not yet.
Y/N: Well I mean if it's been announced don't you think they would know already?
Yoongi: My brother text me immediately and asked if it was true and I told him yes.
Y/N: What did he say?
Yoongi: Congratulations lol he's happy for I talked to him about you when I came back that one week. He told me to follow my heart, and I did. And he really wants to meet you too.

Y/N blushes at the thought that he already had spoken to his brother about her. She was just a little nervous about what his parents are going to say or think. I mean yeah, they're both strong headed, but your parents opinions affect you sometimes.

Y/N: So when will that happen?
Yoongi: This weekend if you're ready?

Shit! That's in like 3-4 days. Now she's really nervous. Without hesitation she answers...

Y/N: Ok. Sounds good. Will the girls come too? Or just you and me?
Yoongi: Of course the girls will come babe. I was going to say...would you want to stay for the weekend?
Y/N: Yeah. I would love to visit your hometown. Where Mr. Min Yoongi grew up. Lol

Yoongi rolled his eyes and started laughing. The boys ended up leaving, and they ate dinner. So since Yoongi had only 2 rooms, they were trying to decide who's going to sleep where.

Yoongi: The girls can sleep in the spare bedroom, it's a big bed.
Lisa & Liz: We can sleep in the living room. The couches are really comfy.
Y/N: Oh ok. Did you girls need help? ::speaking to her kids:
Daisy: No mom it's ok. We're just going to lay down.
Y/N: Please no fighting. You stuffed your faces at dinner, so no more getting up to get snacks! I mean it.
Girls: Ok mom.

Y/N started walking towards the room, Yoongi turned to them and pointed out where he keeps the snacks. The girls started giggling and said good night. Yoongi grabbed her hand and they started walking to their room. She moved all of her stuff off of the bed . When she tried moving her suitcase, Yoongi stepped in front of her and kissed her.

Yoongi: Is it normal to always feel like this when I see you? ::kisses Y/N::
Y/N: Feel like what?
Yoongi: Always wanting to be with you in bed!?!
Y/N: ::kisses him back, bites his lower lip:: yes!

Yoongi grunts when Y/N bites him. He wastes no time and starts undressing her. He got so frustrated and ended up ripping her bra off. They both laugh, but keep going. In between kisses...

Y/N: Did you lock the door?
Yoongi: No

Y/N soon forgets, and starts undressing Yoongi. She takes off his shirt, then his tank top, then undoes his belt, next his pants..she put her hands down his boxers and feels him, and he lets out a small moan. She starts kissing his neck, down to his chest, stomach, and goes down on him. It takes him by surprise and he just grunts

Yoongi: Holy shit!!
Y/N: shhh....try not to make a sound 😝

This is a new feeling for Yoongi and can't seem to think straight. He finally cannot take it anymore, so he grabs Y/N and takes her to the bed. This time he didn't need her guidance and went for it. Took Y/N by surprise and she let out a loud moan, bit his lip while saying his name. This turned him on even more. They didn't have to worry if someone was going to barge in this time. From the airplane quickies they had. After a couple of hours and several orgasms later, they laid next to each other. Y/N laid on his chest and still couldn't believe this was real. She listened to his heart beat, and was slowly drifting off when he wakes her up.

Yoongi: Lets go take a shower...
Y/N: Awe...right now? Baby my legs won't stop shaking lol
Yoongi: Well maybe a warm bath will help 😉
Y/N: Ok.

Yoongi gets up, and Y/N smacks his ass. Takes him by surprise and says "babe!!". Y/N can't help but laugh. He said it in a whiny tone. And she couldn't help but stare at his nice ass. Damn, she just wanted to bite it. Yoongi snaps her out of the ass biting thoughts and lets her know the bath is ready. She gets up too fast and looses her balance, Yoongi catches her.

Y/N: I told you my legs won't stop shaking lol
Yoongi: It's ok. I got you.

They get in the bath and she dips her head under water to get her hair wet. Yoongi comes in and joins her in the jacuzzi tub he has. He sits down, and pulls her towards him and she lays back on his chest.

Y/N: I'm not crushing you am I?
Yoongi: No're perfect.

Y/N blushes. This is still new to her. She's not used to being complemented and treated so well.

Yoongi: hey. Why are you hiding your face babe?
Y/N: No reason. ☺️
Yoongi: Tell me.
Y/N: ::starts getting fidgety:: I'm not..used to being treated this way. Sorry. Like... you're going to want something out of me eventually.
Yoongi: hey! Look at me. I love you! My heart belongs to you now...and I will do anything and everything to make you happy. Ok. So don't think I will want something out of you. The only thing I want is for you to love me back they way I do.

Y/N started getting teary eyed. And covered her face. Yoongi pulls her into his arms and kisses and hugs her.

Y/N: I love you Yoongi. My heart belongs to you. You've had it since the first day we met when you were holding my hand. 😊
Yoongi: I remember that day. I couldn't stop thinking about you after you left.
Y/N: I'm just scared. I have given you all of me, I don't know what I would do if....
Yoongi: No! Don't finish that sentence. Because that won't ever happen ok. We're in this for the long run.

Y/N nods, and lays on his chest. They finish bathing and get ready for bed. They lay down, and this time Yoongi lays on Y/N's chest and they fall asleep.

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