Chapter 29

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After the big talk Y/N had with Jin and Daisy, she felt good about it. She's very open minded, and is very supportive of her kids.
They finally move in to their new beautiful home, so they are no longer in a small apartment. Y/N can't believe how awesome the guys houses turned out. Joon had a studio built in his house. So whenever they want to record or write something they can do it there. Yoongi had a studio in the house already, but they boys don't want to intrude. Y/N's arm has gotten much better where she no longer needs her sling and is able to move her arm. She never really told the guys what really happened. She just told them she had a hard fall and her kids believed it, so the guys did as well. Once they were all settled, Y/N decided to finally start to plan her and Yoongi's wedding. She couldn't be more excited. Yoongi did end up hiring a wedding planner, one that Y/N liked and got along with.

Wedding planner Aera: Hi! Nice to meet you! My name is Aera Lee, and I will be helping the both of you plan your beautiful wedding.
Y/N and Yoongi: Hi. Nice to meet you too
Aera: Y/N, ok so tell me a little bit about yourself.

Y/N gets to talk to Aera and so does Yoongi. She just wants to know what their backgrounds are like so she can get an idea for their wedding.

Aera: Do you know what month or day you want to get married?
Yoongi: We were thinking like October or beginning or November.
Y/N: Kind of like a theme wedding as well. You know something different.

They start telling her their ideas about their wedding. And Aera can't believe all the information she's getting. She usually has some trouble with the bride and groom because they can never decide.

Aera: Wow! This is great! Ok so now that we have met, I will come up with a plan and how about we meet later this week?
Y/N: Yeah, sounds good.

Yoongi nods in agreement and the wedding planner leaves.

Yoongi: Finally!!! I want it to be October already. I can't wait to marry you. ::kisses Y/N::
Y/N: I know....I'm super excited too. I can't wait either. Did you ever decide what you wanted for our wedding theme to be?
Yoongi: Yeah, I like Día de los Muertos.
Y/N: Me too. 😊 ok so our theme is set. I'll text Aera what we decided. Is she going to go help with our Korean wedding too?
Yoongi: I hope so. She better
Y/N: Lol ok.

Y/N texts Aera and let's her know about their theme they decided on and she says ok. All of a sudden Taehyung bursts into their house and yells for Yoongi.

Tae: Hyung!!! Where are you??? I need to talk to you.
Yoongi: Don't walk into my house yelling for me. What's wrong with you??
Tae: I'm sorry! But you need to see this!!!

Yoongi walks over to Tae and Y/N sees that he's showing Yoongi something on his phone. She kind of gets nervous thinking it's Leah and that she called him to tell him she got beat up. Who knows.

Yoongi: Holy shit! What happened to her??
Tae: I have no idea!! Lol but look! Her friend sent me these to tell me.

Y/N starts walking up and asks what's going on.

Taehyung: Look Noona! Apparently my ex got assaulted and they broke her nose! 🤣
Y/N: What? Why did they do that? ::she looks at Yoongi::
Taehyung: She must have talked shit to the wrong person and got what she deserved.
Y/N: Is she that type of person?
Taehyung: Yeah. She has a big mouth. I just wish I knew who kicked her ass. Omg I would give them a high five and make them my new best friend!! Lol
Yoongi: Lol I would too ::winks at Y/N::

Y/N blushes a bit, but is happy that Tae called her Noona for the first time. So she accepted it.

Y/N: How does her friend have your number?
Tae: Because when she would go out, this was the friend that would call and tell me if Leah was ok or alive.
Y/N: Oh ok. Wow! Whoever did that broke her nose and gave her 2 black eyes. Damn. She must've really pissed that person off. ::chuckles and walks away::
Taehyung: Any-who, Yoongi there was something else I wanted to talk to you about. I don't know if it's too late, but would I still be able to be one of your groomsmen for your guys' wedding?
Yoongi: Really? Are you sure?
Taehyung: Yes of course!

Yoongi looks over to Y/N and she tells him it's his choice not hers.

Yoongi: Of course! It's not too late. What made you decide?
Taehyung: It's not fair to you and Y/N that I'm being a complete jerk that my relationship didn't work out. It's been almost a year, and I think I'm starting to feel more like myself and getting over her betrayal. So ::he goes up to Y/N and bows::
Y/N: Taehyung what're you doing? Stand up!
Taehyung: No. This is my way of apologizing to you and asking for your forgiveness.

Yoongi senses something is up, because Tae doesn't give in this easy. If he doesn't like something, he won't accept that person or situation. Or he will just keep a close eye on them. Maybe that's what he's trying to do, keep a close eye on Y/N, to see if she messes up so he can go tell Yoongi about it. Either way he just stands there and let's him.

Y/N: Ok hun come on stand up.

Taehyung stands up and hugs Y/N. Takes her by surprise but she hugs him back.

Y/N: Thank you Tae!
Tae: Thank you for taking care and loving my older brother . You guys make a great couple.

He smiles and changes the subject and starts talking to Yoongi. Y/N goes to her room to give them their privacy and Lisa knocks to see if she can come in.

Lisa: Hey!
Y/N: Hi boo. What's up?
Lisa: What was that about?
Y/N: What're you talking about?
Lisa: Tae being all huggy buggy with you and wanting to be in your wedding all of a sudden?
Y/N: you noticed that too huh? I don't know, maybe he really is having a change of heart!? Let's try to be positive about it lol but I'm going to be observant as usual though.
Lisa: Me too girl.

As Y/N and Lisa are talking, Yoongi walks into the room..

Yoongi: Oh I'm sorry ladies. Didn't mean to interrupt.
Y/N: You're not babe what's up??
Yoongi: Taehyung wants to join us for dinner tonight.
Y/N: Ok. I'll just let Minji to set up an extra plate setting.

Minji was one of their maids, Yoongi didn't want Y/N to lift a finger in their new home. Only to let their new staff know what is needed, what needs to be clean etc. Since their wedding is only 3 months away, he's showing her what's it's like to be treated like a queen. And that was something Y/N was still trying to get used to.

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