Chapter 44

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Y/N has been having contractions since she woke up, but hasn't said anything. She was nothing but a belly. She was about 8 months now, and had a scheduled C-Section for June 12, but the twins had a different agenda. Y/N decided to finally get up and go to the restroom, as soon as she stood up her water broke.

Y/N: Shit! I knew it, Yoongi!!!! Lisa!!! Dai-Daisy!!!!

She knelt down on the floor because the contractions were getting stronger. So she just stayed there, kneeled resting her forearms on her bed and grabbed Yoongi's pillow. Finally Yoongi came in and had a breakfast tray for her, he saw Y/N, dropped the entire tray and ran over to her.

Yoongi: Baby! What's wrong? Did your water br-
Y/N: Yoongi something's wrong. Call the emergency line, I need to get to the hospital now!!! Baby please ::she's wincing in pain::

Yoongi calls the ambulance and they'll be there in less than 5 min. He calls out for the girls and they come running in.

Daisy: Mom!! What's wrong??
Yoongi: Daisy! I need you to go get your mom's over night bag that's by the door. Leilah! Get the twins bags ready just in case, Viktoria, Lisa....can you go downstairs and wait for the ambulance to get here. I'm going to try and help your mom going downstairs.
Y/N: i can't. I can't go down the stairs baby...these contractions are really bad right now. All I can do is just concentrate on my breathing.

Yoongi stands behind her rubbing her back. In the middle of all of this, Daisy texts Jin to let him know what's going on. All of a sudden you hear all the boys running inside, asking Lisa what's happening. The ambulance is finally there, and Jk runs up the stairs. He sees Yoongi and Y/N, and walks over to her, picks her up and takes her downstairs and puts her on the gurney. They immediately put her in the ambulance, and Yoongi gets in with Y/N and the twins bags. Y/N didn't want to know the sex of the babies until they were born, and Yoongi agreed. He went ahead and called Y/N's doctor to let her know what was going on, and she said she would meet them at the hospital. They finally get there and they wheel her into the OR (operating room).
Dr. Chung is ready for the C-section, and her nurses and assistants are there to prep Y/N, and get Yoongi in his surgery gown so he can be there. Yoongi comes back in and sees Y/N is a little pale.

Y/N: make sure the babies are ok.
Yoongi: I will don't worry babe...we're going to be parents soon ok.

Y/N nods. The first baby comes's a Boy!!!

Dr. Chung: Congratulations Yoongi and Y/N, you have a beautiful baby boy!!!

Yoongi sees his son and starts crying and kisses Y/N. The doctor keeps working on her, and here comes the 2nd is a.....another boy!!!

Dr. Chung: you have a set of 2 beautiful twin boys!!! Congratulations to the both of you!!!

Y/N smiles, Yoongi kisses her...

Y/N: I love you

Her heart monitor flat lines.

Dr. Chung: Y/N? Y/N!!!!!??
Yoongi: Y/N wake up!!! Look at me ::shaking her shoulders:: WHY ISN'T SHE WAKING UP??? ::crying::
Dr. Chung: Mr. Min I don't know. I need you to please stay with your boys so we can work on your wife!! Go.

Yoongi stands there in shock, a nurse tugs his arm, and they make him walk with the twins to the nursery, and he hears the nurses start doing CPR on Y/N, and shocking her, while they're sewing her up.

Dr. Chung: Come on honey!!! Wake up for me!! You have 2 new beautiful babies that still need you. Come on sweetie!!!

Dr. Lee keeps doing compressions on Y/N and they finally get a heart beat.

Dr. Chung: Oh thank god!!! Dr. Lee tell me what's going on.
Dr. Lee: Her blood pressure went completely down, which caused for her to go into cardiac arrest.
Dr. Chung: I found the problem. She's hemorrhaging! We're going to need to do an emergency hysterectomy. Please get the consent form for Mr. Min to sign so we can get going with the surgery.

One of Dr. Chung's nurses grabs the forms, and runs to the nursery. She finds Yoongi and briefly explains what needs to be done. He seems a bit in a daze and signs the forms.

Yoongi: Do whatever needs to be done. Save my wife! PLEASE!!! Just please. I need her ::crying::
Nurse: We're going to do our best Mr. Min! Thank you.

He runs back and Dr. Chung has Y/N already on the surgery table waiting to for the paperwork. He says Yoongi said yes, Dr. Lee and Dr. Chung start working on Y/N.
2 hours later and they are done with the surgery and they wheel out Y/N to the recovery room. Dr. Chung walks out so she can talk to Yoongi. She sees he is there with his family and walks over.

Yoongi: Dr. Chung!!! How's my wife?? Please tell me
Dr. Chung: Hi Mr. Min. Ok. Surgery went well, your wife is now in the recovery room.
Jk: What happened?
Dr. Chung: The reason this happened is because her appendix burst, and made her go into labor. When she had the C-section I saw the appendix, and she started hemorrhaging. That is the reason her heart stopped. Her blood pressure went down, and she flat lined. Dr. Lee brought her back, and that is when we saw that she needed to get a hysterectomy as well, because we can't risk for her to get pregnant again. I am so sorry Mr. Min, I know we rushed for you to sign the paperwork, but your wife's life was in danger.
Yoongi: No you did what you had to do, and I can't thank you enough for saving my wife's life. Thank you so much!! ::bows::
Dr. Chung: You're welcome. You can now go see her if you'd like. But only Mr. Min can see her for right now.

Yoongi follows Dr. Chung to where Y/N is at. He stands in the doorway and sees her, and starts getting so emotional. He walks over to Y/N and grabs her hand, and she squeezes it.

Yoongi: Baby!! ::sniffles, and kisses her:: You're awake!! You're awake. ::he grabs her face::
Y/N in a raspy voice: what happened?

She touches her stomach and notices she's not pregnant anymore and panics.

Yoongi: Baby it's ok!! It's ok! We have twin boys!! We have 2 boys!!

Y/N grabs her face and starts crying.

Y/N: Really? We have twin boys? ::crying, grabs his face and kisses him:: we have boys!
Yoongi: Yeah ::sniffles::
Y/N: Thank you. Thank you so much!!
Yoongi: Why are you thanking me babe?
Y/N: Because we finally we have our boys. God gave us our boys.

She suddenly has a sharp pain, but it's from the appendectomy, hysterectomy and C-Section.

Yoongi: I have some more news.
Y/N: Whats that?
Yoongi: Dr. Chung said the reason you went into labor is because your appendix burst. You flat lined because you started hemorrhaging, and they needed to do an emergency hysterectomy. I had to sign for the consent for them to do surgery on you. I hope you're not mad at me. ::looks down::
Y/N: Woah...that's a lot to take in. Heh. But our babies are healthy and good right?
Yoongi: They're beautiful healthy baby boys.
Y/N: Then I don't care about the rest. I just want to recover, and go home with our babies. 😊
Yoongi: I love you so much Y/N.
Y/N: I love you more.

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