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(A/n : the inclined paragraphs are kinda like flashbacks from the office scene in the previous chapter.)

Ch 6 

Jimin opened the door to his house, and closed it behind him with a low thud. His bag dropped over his shoulder and thudded to the floor near the door.

"Jimin? You're late today." came Hoseok's voice, getting louder as he came closer. He stopped in his tracks when he saw him, a worried look on his face. Jimin assumed he must be looking as shaken as he felt. His eyes looked dazed and there was hesitance in his steps. "Are you… okay?" Hoseok asked. He moved closer to him wrapping an arm around his waist and bending a little to look in his eyes. 

"We… we need to talk." Jimin said. Hoseok's face contorted. He nodded slowly. "Okay… let's go sit down. I'll get you a glass of water." Jimin felt himself being pushed towards the living room. 

Hoseok came and sat down beside him on the sofa. He handed him a glass of water, which Jimin gladly gulped down. 

"I.." Jimin began, Hoseok gently rubbed his arm to encourage him to go on. "I talked to dad today. It was about the Jeons. He said that....the opportunity was too good to let go. And that.."

"That Mr. Jeon said he wished there was a way this could still work out. And dad, he told him... about me.." 

Hoseok's forehead creased. "Jimin where are you going with this." 

"Hoseok, he wants me..’’ he gulped his own saliva ‘’ marry Jungkook."

"... what?" Hoseok laughed, loud. "Man, your dad is hilarious." But the sombre look on his husband's face made him think might not be some big joke.

"Jimin that's ridiculous, you're already married to me.." Hoseok exhaled.

Jimin looked down. His voice was now small and a little weak. "He said that it would be a contract…. marriage…..., after we sign the papers, he'll.. go on tour and we'll hardly ever have to see him." 

"Why would the Jeons even let this happen? Why would they let their son-"

"Because he didn't tell them," Jimin said, cutting him off. "Mr. Jeon doesn't know. . . about you. And. . I'm supposed to keep it that way." Jimin's head lowered, his silver hair fell over his face, hiding his eyes.

Hoseok grit his teeth, "Jimin, don't tell me you're actually considering this?".

Jimin slid down the couch. He crouched in front of Hoseok, his hand on his knee. "Hoseok please." He looked at him with pleading eyes, tears on the edge of his eyes. "He didn't give me a choice. There's nothing I could do." he whimpered.

"What do you mean there's nothing you could do? Why can't you just tell Mr.Jeon you're married? What could your dad possibly offer you that would make you even think About it?" Hoseok questioned, his voice getting louder and louder with each question. 

Jimin once again averted his gaze. Jimin but on his lip, hard. He could feel Hoseok's glaring eyes on him. 


 "A child." His father stated.

"What?" Jimin's eyebrows pulled together.

Mr.park sighed. "I've noticed that you and Hoseok have been trying to adopt a child. And obviously, you've been having some difficulty. With my connections, one quick call could clear all your problems." He smiled.


"That's it? Jimin we're not that desperate, yes it has been difficult, but we've waited all this time, we can wait some more. There's no reason to take such a huge step." Hoseok reasoned. Jimin could hear in his tone. He was annoyed. "That wasn't all, I said the same thing to him. And he…"


"Fine then." His father said. He leaned in over his desk, his face terrifyingly calm. Though Jimin swears he could see a thick vein on his forehead. "You leave me no choice. One call, and I get rid of all your problems. But, the same one call, and you and your little partner will never have a kid to call your own." 

Jimin's eyes widened in shock.


"......he can't be serious." The room was silent. "Even if he was serious. Jimin we, we don't have to do this, you don't have to do this. We'll figure something out. We'll fight thi-" he fumbled over his words.

"We can't hoseok, we can't." Jimin exhaled. He looked up at Hoseok with wide, pleading eyes. He hoped and prayed that his husband would understand.

Instead, Hoseok's eyes hardened. His jaw clenched and he shook with anger. He jumped up, swatting Jimin's hands from him.

"Where are you going?" Jimin begged.

Hoseok grit his teeth, his words seethed with hurt and annoyance. "I think you have a decision to make." With that he turned and stormed down the corridor. Barging into their room and slamming the door behind him. 

Jimin collapsed further onto the carpet. He balanced on his calves and elbows and he gripped his grey blonde hair. "Arrrrrgh" he screamed into the floor, tugging at his locks.

Jimin sighed and rested his head against the couch. He closed his eyes and visions from earlier this night crossed his mind, his father's voice echoing inside his head.


"I see you're still hesitating, well let me make this simpler for you. Isn't your… partner a budding artist. Isn't he quite new to the industry? It would be a shame if a talented young man like him makes no success in a field which I'm sure he loves." 

Jimin sat there lost for words. He can't believe his own father would threaten him like this. He wasn't exactly father of the year either. But this was too low, even for him. 

When he saw that he had gotten inside Jimin's head. He smirked the signitere evil villain smirk. He walked past Jimin, giving him a light pat on the shoulder.

"Think about it, a lot of people are depending on your decision."


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