The battle within

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When I got in to the lab I didn’t feel too well so I laid down in my bed slowly drifting to sleep “why did you hurt Raph” someone asked I opened my eyes I was in a reddish black space I was floating “hello I asked you something Dark Shadow” the voice said I looked up and saw my old self still human but he was slowly dissolving “I thought you were gone” I said “I’m not gone yet” Donnie said “now why did you hurt are brother” Donnie asked “to prove to them that I’m stronger than them” I said “you truly do hate them don’t you” Donnie asked “yes I do, wait don’t tell me you still care for them do I need to remind you what they did what they said” I said “no I remember” Donnie said “but I still miss them, I miss smiling and laughing with them” “I don’t” I said Donnie looked at me “you need to let them go” he said “never” I said Donnie sighed “I didn’t want to do this Dark Shadow” “Do wh-” before I could finish talking Donnie punched me in the gut “if you won’t let them go I will talk back control of my body” Donnie said I coughed a little looked up at Donnie and growled “I won’t let you” I said reaching for my Bo staff that’s when I realized  it was gone all of my weapons were “do you really think that I would fight you with your weapons” Donnie said smiling “and let me guess you have your weapons” Donnie looked at me “no I don’t I’m smart and fair” I smiled and kicked Donnie in the side I smiled as he flew back that’s when I felt a sharp pain in my side “what was that I asked” I asked “that’s what happens each time you hurt me or I hurt you because were the same person we feel the same pain” Donnie said as he punched me in the face I rubbed my face I looked to see Donnie doing the same thing “why do you want to save them” I asked Donnie sighed “I can’t explain why but I can show you” Donnie said as he flew off “fallow me” I fallowed him, we entered an area that held all of my memories Donnie pointed to an area I went over and saw me when I was little with all of my brother we were playing a game I fell down and started to cry my brothers stopped playing and came over to me to see what was wrong I showed them my knee it was bruised and slightly bleeding that’s when Master Splinter came out and picked me up he bandaged up my knee and put some ice on it. My brothers started to play the game again I read a book I wanted to play but I knew that it would really hurt. I sighed and looked at my book Master splinter sat down next to me “why don’t you ask your brothers to play a different game so you can play Donatello” I looked up at him “because they really like the game there playing and I really like this book” I lied I wanted to play with them but I knew that they wouldn’t play a different game. I looked at Donnie “this isn’t going to help you I grabbed his arm and through him into a dark area of my mind “this is the forgotten area” I said, Donnie held onto my arm punching me in the face making me fall back I hit my head blacking out.

As soon as Dark shadow passed out I felt a sting of pain “I’ve got to hurry” I said as I took control of the body I opened my eyes and slowly sat up I looked around.  I opened my door a little looking to see that no one is around I ran to my family they were asleep I gently and quietly woke Splinter “father you have to wake up I get everyone out of here” I said quietly Splinter opened his eyes “Donatello?” Splinter asked “Yes it’s me but I don’t know how much time I have Dark Shadow can take back control at any moment ” I said unlocking his chains Splinter looked at me and gave me a quick hug he went to Leo waking him up I went to Raph. When Raph saw me he jumped “sh sh sh Raph it me Donnie” I said Raph gave me a doubtful look I unlocked his chains “get everyone out ok” Raph winced in pain but helped Splinter with everyone. As soon as everyone was unchained I opened the door and we left when everyone was outside I stopped they all gave me a weird look “I can’t go with you Dark shadow will wake up soon”  I said everyone gave me a sad look Splinter gave me a hug and left helping Raph Leo looked at me “I will miss you Donnie” he said “me too I said Mikey gave me a hug I hugged him back and whispered in his ear “I’m sorry I won’t see you ever again” he gave me a confused look then his eyes started to water as he understood everyone left I went back inside and set my plane in action.

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