Some Where Only We Know(15)

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Jieun POV
Could this get anymore awkward! Seriously~! For those of you who don't remember, here's a quick summary.

I, Lee Jieun, saved a girl from being raped by letting myself get molested by the suspect. Then after crying my eyes out to Jin about the situation I kissed him. Now I am going to be hanging out with him for the whole day. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO! I AM NOT OKAY! SURE, I acted calm after kissing him. BUT I'M NOT! I MEAN! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I KISSED MY HUSBAND AND WE HAVENT EVEN DATED YET!!!

Sitting awkwardly next to each other as we sat in the car. Jin drove as I played with my purse strap.

"Sorry..." Jin looked at me before returning his eyes to the road, "for kissing you unexpectedly."

Instead of a response he just grabbed my hand rubbing his thumb across it. I took that as a it's okay and stopped fidgeting. It was still pretty awkward for me so I kept quiet. His thumb still moving back and forth on my hand. After a little while I started enjoying the silence as the car drove past different places slowly turning to a blur as we made our way to the destination.

"What is this place?" I asked as I stepped out of the car.

"Our place..."


"I got an apartment just for us. It's nothing like the dorm but it has two bedrooms, a bathroom a kitchen and living room. It's just a place for us. Away from the cameras and the members, when things are out of control. Do you like it?"

"It's perfect, we can do so much without anyone bothering us!" I cheered.

"Then shall we go in?"

I nodded before walking to the door.  I tried opening it but forgot I didn't know the password to get in. Smiling sheepishly as I let out a few giggles. I looked at Jin, he smiled to as he walked up to me and put the passcode in. Opening the door I went inside and relaxed once I found the couch. It was a nice grey couch with fluffy throw pillows and matching blanket. Grabbing the blanket I spread out in the couch and started getting comfy.

"You enjoying it?" Jin asked, I completely forgot he was here.

"Yeah, come sit down." I spoke sitting up with the blanket still around me.

Jin walked up and sat to my left before grabbing the remote and turning the tv on.

"What should we watch?"

"How about W? I've never seen it and it's been killing my friends."

"Alright, maybe we should watch Hwarang after."

"Perfect." I replied, a small smile coming up

We watched the two dramas huddle up on the couch a blanket and snacks in our laps. My head was on his shoulder as we were watching. I slowly started to fall asleep as the episodes continued.

As I awoke I was greeted with a very handsome man staring at me. A small blush crossing his face before he spoke.

"I made lunch!" He cheered, "Get up and sit at the table I'll bring you your plate."

Nodding as I stood before walking over to the table and sitting down. The smell of the food hits my nose and it smells delicious! I smile when the food is placed in front of me. Jin goes to sit down and we dig in. Let me tell you it was amazing! The perfect combination of sweet and sour with not to much spice. I finished quickly looking up as though I was asking for seconds. A smile crosses Jin's face as he nods pointing to the kitchen door. Before you know it I'm rushing to the kitchen with a plate fork and knife in my hands.

I hum a small tune as I fill my plate with more food. Enjoying my day when my cell phone rings.

"Hello, this is Jieun."

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