Chapter One

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3rd POV


Returning back to a normal school life and volleyball life very was hard for a certain setter. However it was made manageable by the new family he had, the wonderful friends and most importantly Tsukishima. His loving boyfriend.

His classmates for the most part had found out what happened to him. Some ignored him, not wanting to be associated with that sort of thing. Others showed him support brining him little treats or small cartons of milk at lunch. And for that he was greatful. Everything felt...right. Like this was the way it was supposed to be

Like this was the way it was always meant to be.

Tobio will admit however that life wasn't always amazing. He had started therapy, and talking to a therapist was hard. Harder then he could ever imagine. Sure it helped, but he always found it difficult to bring himself to say anything about how he was feeling.

However over time it had gotten a little easier. The other thing- that constantly nagged at him- was the looming threat of his father.

He had seemingly disappeared. Maybe he had jumped countries, or had died even? To be honest Kageyama wasn't sure, but something kept telling him that his father was still around. Even watching him at some points.

"My dearest Tobio. Remember this well. I love you and we will meet again, I promise you that"

His father's words echoed in his head, that days horrific memories etched into his mind. And no matter what he did he couldn't erase it. Nothing would make it go away.

And due to this, the setter had developed a rather not good habit. He had begun to pick at the cuticles on his fingers prodding them until they peeled, giving him a certain amount of satisfaction and sometimes a few stings of pain.

It certainly wasn't much, but it was enough for him. For now as it stands.

And this habit was something he was sure to not tell his lover about, for he knew certainly that if he did he would most likely be scolded, or worse, get a pitiful look, one filled with sadness and a tad of disappointment. One he hated to see.

"Kageyama?" A voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and turning he observed his boyfriend standing at the doorway to his room.

Since he had moved in, the family so graciously changed the study into a bedroom for Kagehama, buying him his own bed and other furniture. They had provided so much for him. And he could never thank them enough.

He hummed in response to the blond waiting for him to say something.

"Want to go get ice cream or something?" Tsuki asked, a rather playful look in his eyes.

"Uh sure" Tobio responded getting off the bed and walking over to the taller.

Linking their hands together, their fingers interlocking, the two began their journey out of the Tsukishima residence and to the local park where a small ice cream truck would commonly stay.

Upon arriving Tsuki ordered a a vanilla come for his blueberry and a strawberry one for himself. Then both satisfied with their pick walked to a bench to sit and enjoy the ice cream as well as each other's company.

"So, how's therapy been going love?" The blond asked watching Kageyama out of the corner of his eyes.

The Raven haired boy furrowed his eye brows as if he was slightly frustrated.

"It's okay I guess.." he said quietly with a sigh before continuing. "It helps, but...I don't know- I don't like talking about my dad."

The blocker draped an arm around Kageyams's shoulder gently as he took a lick of his ice cream cone.

"I know it's hard Kags, but this will help you, I promise."

He didn't get much of a response only the small nod of Tobio's head inferring that yes he heard what was said, and yes he more or less understood. And that was, for the most part, good enough for Tsukishima.

"What's on your mind?" Kei asked as he continued to enjoy his ice cream.

It was silent for a moment before he got a reponse.

"Mostly my dad, it's rather terrifying to know he could be anywhere. But having you with me makes all that go away." The setter said his voice quiet.

"I'm glad to hear it." The middle blocker replied before standing up. "Come on, it looks like it's gonna rain. We can finish these on the way home."

His boyfriend nodded as he stood up as well. And soon after the twos hands were interlocked yet again. It was a simple gesture, but something that never failed to make Tobio feel safe, and never failed to make Tsukishima fall in love with his kageyama, all over again.

As they walked the setter thought long and hard about his father. Did he even need to be scared of him anymore? Yes, he most certainly felt he did. His father's threat rang throughout his mind for the second time that day. His words had been icy cold, that deathly glare settled on his son.

It was something that chilled Kageyama to the bones.

At the same time however, he didn't want to be a victim anymore. He didn't want to be this boy who was hurt and used by his father and- he stopped his train of thought for a moment his mind settling on a cruel thing.

What if it wasn't just his father whom he had to fear?

There had been others in Kageyama's past that he had been afraid of, people that he had never told anyone about. And at this moment in time, was unsure if he would ever tell Tsukishima.

But either way, Tobio knew that he was tired of it. He would no longer be what his father created him to be. Groomed him to be.


Tsukishima felt a small pull on his arm and turned to see Kageyama stopped in his tracks, his eyes settled on Kei, a determined look unmistakable in them.


"I'm not going to be a victim Tsukishima"

The blond felt a smile tug at the corner of his mouth. "So what's it going to be King?"

He watched the setter glance at his feet for a moment before looking back up at his boyfriend.

"I want to fight back"


Aaaaaaa finally! Chapter one of the sequel to How to save a setter!

You all really seemed to enjoy the first book, and some liked the idea of a sequel so here we are.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, and please tell me what you thought!

I want to portray the strength that Kageyama's character has, and hopefully it works out lol.

Anyways! Again, hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading.

I'll see ya in the next one.

-suki <3

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