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"I'm gonna get you!" A certain blond yelled out playfully to a small brown haired little girl. 

"No you won't! Catch me if you can Papa!" She giggled happily running around the garden of the house. 

It was a beautiful garden, it was filled with fresh vegetables and roses. Since moving in to the small country home, a certain raven haired boy had taken up gardening, finding it a peaceful activity, one that would bring him a little extra happiness, and even calm him down when his husband wasn't around. 

"Kei! Shiu! time for lunch!" a voice called out the back door ringing through the warm afternoon air. 

"Okay Papa!" Shiu called running over to the back door and pulling it open. She quickly ran to the table and sat down. "What's for lunch?" She asked eagerly, her eyes were shining with anticipation. 

"Your favorite sweet pea, rice pudding" Kageyama said with a smile placing a hot bowl in front of his daughter. 

"Thank you!" The girl said happily before digging into her food. 

"Of course pumpkin" Tobio said with a chuckle turning to walk back to the stove. He was stopped by a pair of strong arms that wrapped themselves around his waist. 

"Hey love" He heard a voice whisper in his ear making him smile. 

"Hi Kei" Kageyama said with a grin turning around so he could face his husband. "Ready for lunch? I hope you like it..." He said looking down and then into the blond's eyes. 

"Of course I'll like it" Tsukishima said softly planting a kiss on his lover's lips. 

"Ewww!" They heard Shiu yell from the table, causing both of them to break out into laughter. 

This was happiness.

This was truly happiness.


But how did we get here?


It had been 8 years since that day. They day that Kageyama finally stood up to his father, the day that his father was arrested, and the day that Kei had his arm brutally broken. 

As all things do over time, it had healed. However, things don't go without a price. And unfortunately the healing process hadn't gone the way they had hoped. 

Tsukishima stayed in the hospital for a few days before being released. Soon after he left he noticed the lack of feeling in his hand. However, thinking the feeling would come back, he ignored it. 

But it never did. 

It was hard to get used to, but Kei managed, and with the help of his family he learned to cope and move on. 

Tobio on the other hand, having learned of this revelation was pitted even further against himself. He felt that he had ruined Kei's life. That if only he weren't there, if he never were there, this wouldn't have happened to the man he so dearly loved. 

But, Tsukishima being the way he is, found out about the setters dangerous thoughts soon enough to take quick action against it. 

And so, the final healing process began. 

The setter began taking anti-depressants to help cope, along with more trips to the therapist. That combined with the unconditional love his boyfriend had for him, helped him along on his journey, slowly bringing him to a place where he finally felt alright. 

His father was tried during his second year of highschool. The court hearing was heard for the setter to go through, but with a good lawyer, and Tsukishima by his side, he was just fine. He was found guilty of first degree child abuse, third degree rape, assault, and attempted murder. Sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole. 

Hearing the verdict was a breath of fresh air to the setter, he finally felt free. 

The pair graduated and went off to university together, both attended schools in Tokyo, and although they weren't the same schools, they still managed to find a way to live together. Which was a saving grace for Tsukishima since he was never going to let Kageyama be on his own fresh out of high school. 

Upon graduation university in Tokyo they married and settled down, buying a house in the peaceful country side. The wedding was a small one, only Tsukishima's family and the volleyball team who had all stayed in touch attended. Well- that was the plan anyways. It had accidentally be crashed by a few old friends from other volleyball teams they had played against. Oikawa and Iwaizumi, Kuroo and Kenma, as well as Bokuto and Akkashi. They were happy to see those special duos had never fallen apart. In fact they were all a lot closer then they had been before. ;)

Their house was beautiful. A one story bungalow with a garden winding all the way around. A forest framed the back of the house  giving it the added privacy that Tsukishima had wanted. It was like a dream. They had each other and that was always enough for them. 

They would go on dates every Friday night and stargaze together every Saturday night. Sundays were always spent cuddling and watching movies. 

But after a while the setter had begun to feel a want. The want to feel what it was like to be a parent. The want to have a child to love. So, upon expressing his feelings on the matter to his Husband, they wasted no time in adopting a little girl. 

Her name was Shiu, she was 4 years old when they adopted her, and she was their sunshine. She was a bright and happy child with long golden brown hair that cascaded down her back. Her eyes a stunning bright blue. 

She quickly became accustomed to their house and  their way of living, finding it quickly comfortable living with not just one, but two dads. 

Life was good, and it had been since then. 


Wow I'm gonna cry it's actually finished 

I started my journey with this Tsukikage story back in early July and it has been a wild ride since then. 

I never honesty thought that people would read or enjoy my stories. But I was wrong. 

How to save a setter hit over 16k views today and has almost 800 votes which is absolutely insane! I can't thank you all enough. This book has hit over 3k views and over 100 votes, it's just crazy!

Thank you all so much for all the support you have given me throughout writing the original story, and now this sequel. I had a ton of fun with it, and I absolutely love reading all the comments left on each chapter. You guys never fail to make me laugh. 

The next book I write after this will be a Iwaoi book, but I will be writing more Tsukikage in the future, and will be continuing with my Tsukikage one shots. 

Thank you again!

Ily all and stay safe!

- suki <3

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