Chapter Eight

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⚠️TW- self harm/mentions, some swearing ⚠️

It had been a week since Kageyama was in the hospital.

And being the overprotective boyfriend he was, Tsukishima hadn't let the setter leave his side. He wasn't going to go through that again, nor was he going to let his precious blueberry be in harm's way.

However something didn't sit right with the blond. He had begun to feel rather paranoid as of late. As if something was going to go down. He couldn't place wether it would be good or bad. Nor did he know when such an event would take place.

He had already shared these concerns with his father who confirmed he had been feeling the same way. So, they had all been on their guard. However Kageyama knew nothing of this. The family had decided the Raven haired boy didn't need anymore stress and worry in his life. What he needed was carefree life.

Which was how it was for the time being. Once again he felt safe. He had Kei by his side most of the time, always there to make sure he was okay. It made life easier.

But deep down he knew something was up. Tsuki had been more irritable as of late. He always seemed on edge, always seemed worried. And the setter just couldn't for the life of him piece together why that was.

But even though he was worried he found it better not to ask. After all, he trusted Tsukishima.


As they walked home from school, hand in hand, it began to rain. It wasn't your average normal rainfall. No, it was pouring. Absolutely pouring.

The blond scoffed as he and his boyfriend ran through puddles upon puddles. Eventually they made it to the park, halfway through their walk home.

Taking shelter underneath a play structure, the taller pulled the younger to his chest.

Kageyama was shivering, his teeth chattering wildly, his arms adorned with goosebumps.

Tsukishima wrapped his arms around him and rubbed small circles on his back.

"We're going to wait until the rain let's up a bit. It was getting hard to see and I don't want to risk you getting hurt." He spoke softly into the shorter's ear

He felt a small nod against his chest accompanied by a quiet voice saying "alright"

They stood there for what felt like forever. The setters head laid against the older's chest.

Kageyama listened to his heartbeat intently, it felt calming. It made him feel safer, distracted him from the fact that he was absolutely freezing and in the middle of a storm.


Tsukishima looked around them. "The rains finally let up, let's go"

The setter didn't move. "Tobio?" He asked looking down at the boy to find his eyes closed. His mouth was parted slightly and small snores left his body.

The blond smiled shifting to pick up Kageyama bridal style in his arms.


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