Chapter Ten

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Tw- more violence, graphic injuries, and swearing

His heart felt like it completely stopped at the sight before him. His loving, protective, wonderful boyfriend was on the ground clutching his arm.  His face was deathly pale and scrunched up with pain, crimson blood spilled out of his arm and onto the dirt. The white color of the bone was visible near the elbow peaking out ever so slightly. It was a terrible fracture. 

"Kei!" Kageyama yelled out running to the blond and kneeling down next to him. He could feel his breathing quicken rapidly, panicking at the state his boyfriend was in. "Hold on, breath it'll be okay"

"Awe how touching" He flinched at the whisper in his ear. Before he could  turn he was yanked up by the back of his shirt, now facing his father. "Guess your big strong boyfriend wasn't so tough after all huh?"

"Shut up" Tobio muttered looking into his fathers eyes menacingly. He could feel his own anger coursing throughout his entire body. 

"Speak up, my dear Tobio I can't hear you" His father laughed letting go of his shirt. 

I said SHUT UP!" The setter yelled throwing a punch straight into the mans nose. "You may get to hurt me, But you don't get to FUCKING HURT KEI" 

Wincing in pain from the blow the man brought his hands to his nose. Blood slipped between his fingers, falling in small droplets onto the ground. 

"Tobio you-"

"SHUT UP! I'm done with you! I'm done being afraid of you!" Kageyama screamed at his father striking him again in the face, catching him off guard, causing him to stumble back a few feet.

"I know you're afraid of me. You always have been. You're terrified. I mean look at yourself. You're shaking." The man said, his voice venomous as he wiped his nose with his sleeve. "You're weak, and that's all you ever will be. Unable to do anything for yourself."

"I said-"

"I know what you fucking said Tobio, do you think I'm going to listen to you? God! You can't do anything right can you? Look what you did. You brought your precious boyfriend into your mess and look where he is now. On the ground with a broken arm. Who's fault is that?" His father said walking over to him. He grabbed the setters chin staring straight into his eyes. The raven haired boy stayed silent. 

"Fine, don't answer me. Either way, it was your fault. You caused this. You caused him pain. It's your. fucking. fault."

His father smiled seeing the confidence Kageyama had had in his eyes waver for a moment. 

Taking his chance the setter took a deep breath and threw his head back, before ramming it forward into that of his father's, head butting him. Then quickly he pushed his fist into his stomach with a swift uppercut, knocking the wind out of the man. Then to finish it off he kicked him in the crotch.

He watched his father fall to the ground in pain, just as a police officer arrived on the scene. The officer raised his radio up to his mouth and spoke. "I found them, we need paramedics. The boy has a severely broken arm, he won't be able to walk back. Head straight East from the cars" he said quickly rushing over to the blond. "Hang on kid, helps on the way." 

Kageyama ran towards his boyfriend and sat down next to him bringing his head onto his lap. "Breath Kei breath" He said softly petting his sweat soaked hair. "It's going to be okay, they're going to help you." Tears brimmed the setters eyes as he spoke. 

The officer smiled at the gesture before making his way over to Kageyama's father who was writhing in pain on the ground. 

"Sir you are here by under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court." He said hand cuffing the man swiftly. 

Eventually three others arrived on the scene, three paramedics. Not being able to bring the gurney through the forest they had decided upon carrying the boy back. They rushed to the blond, two of them picking him up carefully the third there to watch and make sure he wouldn't fall. 

As they left with Tsukishima, Kageyama just sat there stunned. He could hear his father still yelling out, despite the police offer's warning to remain silent. 

"It's all your fault"

"You hurt him"

Two more officer's arrived on the scene, as well as Tsukishima's father. He talked to the officer for a moment. 

The Kei's father then rushed over to the setter pulling him up off the ground and into his arms. He could feel the shaking of the setter's body as he began to sob. 

"I'm so sorry, it's all my fault" he choked out burying his face in the man's chest.

Shushing him, Tsukishima's father rubbed the boys back comfortingly. "It's not your fault Tobio, it's not your fault at all. I'm so proud of you, I'm so so proud of you. The officer told me how he found you guys. You stopped him from hurting my boy even more. Thank you Tobio, thank you"

He pulled away from the boy and looked into his eyes. 

"You were so brave, Kei would be proud of you, so don't cry. He'll be okay, he's strong alright?" 

"Alright" Kageyama sniffled and wiped his eyes with the sleeves of Tsukishima's hoodie that he had been wearing. 

"Good, now, lets go get the others and go see him" Kei's father said his voice soft. He smiled and grabbed the boys hand, leading him out of the woods.


wHat is this??

Suki is updating again WHAT

ahem, anyways, bet you didn't expect me to update so soon lmao

This was the second last chapter! The next one will be the last :(

I've had such fun writing this book and I hope you all have enjoyed it thus far!

Ily all and stay safe!

- suki <3

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