Chapter Three

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3rd POV

Awaking the next day Kageyama found himself alone and quite frankly cold. Tsukishima was no where in sight. He was puzzled searching the house but finding no one, until his mind clued in on the fact that it was Tuesday.

Tuesday was his at home day. And also quincidently the day when the volleyball team left on a small training trip. The day was meant as a break day of some sorts to get him used to the full effect of 5 days of school in a row. And for the most part it helped. But in this case it also meant he would be at home for the next few days, accepting begrudgingly that he wouldn't get to go on the training trip. 

Being alone with himself, the setter decided that today would be the day. He would set out on his search. He was going to try to find his father. And with Tsukishima not being around to stop him. He knew it was perfect.

He wrote a letter to Tsukishima's mother, telling her that he was staying at a friend's house for the next few days as sort of a disguise. In reality he knew he would need to be away from home to pull off what he wanted.

Leaving the note on the counter he walked up to his room and grabbed a backpack. He packed a warm sweater, a change of clothes, a water bottle, a good amount of money (some he had gotten from a bank account his mother had made for him before she left) and his toothbrush plus toothpaste. He then walked downstairs and grabbed a few snacks from the kitchen.

Then leaving the house he looked back at it briefly before beginning to walk. His mind traced back to his time with his father, knowing of one person who might know where he was.

And that was all he wanted. To know where his father was, that way, one day when he was ready, he could confront him and get him taken in.

It wasn't the best plan or safest most logical thing to do, but his mind was set on it.

He had planned out this trip a while back, but was uncertain when he would do it. Knowing that he would need exactly 3 days to pull it off. He needed one day to travel to where this potential contact was. Then he would stay in that town for a day, and then take the next day to travel back.

Walking to a bus station he bought a ticket for a long distance ride, and sat down on a bench to await the arrival of the bus.

When it did arrive he got on it promptly, and found a seat close to the back of the bus. He then opened his phone to a message from his boyfriend.

Tsukishima: hey love, we're getting on the bus to leave. I love you and I hope you're okay at home

He thought for a few minutes and then responded.

Kageyama: thanks hubs, I love you too, have fun and have a safe trip

He then closed his phone and sighed. Above all things, he hated lying to Tsukishima. He was the one person he could trust more than anything, but he knew Tsukishima could get hurt if he came, so he'd rather him be safe.

He felt the grumble of the bus starting up beneath him and closed his eyes, leaning his head against the window. He had a long drive ahead of him, followed by a long walk. Which he dreaded.


It was several hours later when the boy woke up again. It was now 6 pm, meaning they had been on the road for more than 8 hours. But they were almost at their destination.

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