The Librarians journey

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I'm here with a new book for you. It's a fairytale and still it's not. I got inspired by a drawing my oldest daughter made and hopefully, you'll enjoy it!

Authors POV

There had been peace for so long that they couldn't remember anything else. Generations of tranquility and prospering.
Life in the small country between the forests and the sea was moving on, slowly but surely. Seasons came and went, generations left their traces and shared their wisdom and experiences. It was only one thing that some found puzzling:
Was there never a time when people in the country were in danger? Never a time of clouds and tempest, never a time of malice, hate or despair?

The elderly then answered that "Oh yes, those times had been." But the memories faded easily , as if those times turned into bad dreams only. 

Now, one wise old man,  Kim Namjoon, used to walk the roads of the small country . He had spent his life with books and maps,  his library and bookstore was famous.
Since retiring,  he had a goal to visit every village and tell his story.
The purpose of his travelling was to bring hope and trust but when this story begins, his good intentions would soon be endangered .

Walking in the burning sun

- Its hot today, for sure!
He stopped by a small creek, whispering it's way besides the barley and the brim of a small forest.
Sitting down, he released the sandals and let the clear water wash his tired , aching feet.
He had a water bottle hanging by his waist belt,  it was empty and he filled it up again.
From an embroidered little  bag,  a gift from a fellow librarian, he pulled out his last sandwich and a tin with salty nuts.
-  Ah well, it's only about 2 hours walking left before I reach Gunanda,  my room at the    
   B&B is probably ready!
He cheered himself up by talking, addressed also a curious squirrel and the bright shining sun. Soon enough, his head felt awfully heavy and he stretched out his slim figure in the shadow and fell asleep.

After a short nap, snoring beneath a willow tree, he took his sandals on and began walking again. The winding road seemed shorter and friendly, the heat was easing down.
In fact, he could see some dark clouds on the horizon. Rain?  Well needed!
While taking his nap, he had some strange dream about clouds....what was it now?
Walking along, with the long cane in his hand, he gave up about remembering and set his focus on the village Gunanda.


Ah yes, if you ever walked the winding paths of a peaceful countryside, you may know the feeling of scented breezes,  the faint tweets of larch and swallow, the empty feeling in your stomach when your sandwiches are long gone and you begin to see the end of your walk. You may also know the joy to see the sign welcoming you to a new village.
This was for sure that mix of feelings that filled our wandering friend when he finally reached Gunanda.
The large village, almost a small town, spread out surrounded by a forest of oak trees,  birch and beech trees. Two rivers crossed the village, one going south, one going east.
Namjoon walked over the beautiful stone paved bridge that carried him across the River Sundere, a water with unexpected pits and sharp rocks lurking underneath the surface.

- Ah! Finally!
He stopped half way, beholding the peaceful town. Well, not peaceful , there was still many around busy with their tasks.
Gunanda was well known for their silver mine and skilled silversmiths. 
The mine had brought prosperity to them and that in itself was good but there were hints of darkness. This was why Namjoon chose Gunanda for his august visit, late august actually.

- Hello sir, are you the Librarian?
The dark voice belonged to a young man that was walking behind him.
Something childish but pure made him look younger than he probably was.
- Yes, yes that's me ! Are you by any chance from my lodgings, the Honey and Hive?
-  That's right sir, I was out looking for you but I must have lost myself in thoughts because I missed your arrival. These days tell so many stories, don't you think?
- They do, for sure they do. What's your name son?
- Its Taehyung sir, I'm a college student but came home to help out before I go back to the 
  university. I'm leaving soon.
-  Studying what?
-  Art, history and folklore. Maybe we can talk one day sir? It's rather urgent.
-  For sure we can do that but now you must guide me, I'm tired and hungry!

And so they started walking towards the buzzling village, our librarians sharp eyes took in the scenery and wondered about these hints. It looked fine, children playing in the park,  shops filled with people, a square with 2 fountains and an enormous oak tree was the centre of pubs and guesthouses. His own lodging however was on a quiet backstreet.
Taehyung had been carrying his bag and now opened the door .
On the wall hung a wooden plate reading: The Honey and Hive .

- Father, the Librarian is here!
And so he left.
Namjoon watched him go, wondering what the urgency was and again that eluding dream flashed by. Darn, what was it?
He was brought out of his deep thoughts when the landlord appeared, greeted him and brought him to his room, facing the small garden in the backyard.
- So happy to have you here sir! Your library is worldwide known or at least famous in
  our modest little country. We look forward to your appearance ....thursday evening?
- Ah yes, thursday evening it is.
- You'll find that Gunanda is a paradise for everyone, we never had any trouble here.
  Happiness and prosperity signifies every family, we have earned it and deserve it!!!

Namjoon the librarian stood quiet , nodding slowly and smiling vaguely listening to the beaming landlord.
Yes, he thought, I think I understand now why I'm here, this is worse than I thought! So much worse...

Authors POV.

That's it, first chapter has sent you off to the unknown future. Hopefully you will come back to find out what will happend! Thank you for reading.

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