A royal visit - a year later and onward.

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Dear reader
Thank you for coming back to this story. Now, as we have celebrated Seokjins birthday with a new song and Christmas with 2 new songs, and now dear Taehyungs birthday, the climbing on charts colours our grey autumn days, I will close the storybook with this last chapter. I hope you'll enjoy.

Yunhas pov.

As she walked through the dining room, the warm breeze from an open window made her stop and just breathe.

-  Taehyung! Come down and have some tea with me!
-  Coming mom, I'm just trying to finish my essay.

They sat together in the large dining room, the tables were beautifully laid for tonight's dinner guests. As it was springtime, the random visitors and guests had risen in numbers and every room was occupied. All but one.  That particular guest was on his way, not by feet this time but by carriage. He wasn't alone either, this was to be a very important visit for the people of Gunanda.
Yunha smiled at Taehyung, coming bouncing down the stairs with that slim figure and limbs constantly swaying like in a slow dance. His dreaming eyes were bright and warm.

- They will soon be here mom, do you feel ready?
- Rick is much more nervous than I, he hasn't met his uncle for 30 years.
- I still can't understand it, his majesty must be a very humble person, dining here with 
  the other guests and staying at Rick's cottage.

- After Rick was adopted by my aunt and uncle in Inbearne,  the royal family decided it
  would be best to keep a low profile. They never acknowledged the adoption but
  supported him secretly.  His  majesty duke of Maple  was a charmer and playboy. When 
  Rick was born , they made an agreement in good will. Rick's father was a black sheep.
- Why isn't he coming here then?  And who was his mother?
-  Rick's father died in a plane crash,  he was a daring pilot and took one chance too many.
Taehyung took a deep breath to take this in.
-  His mom?
-  Left the country, maybe the Royal family took care of her. Rick's new family moved to
   Gunanda . And my story you know.
-  Yes mom, I know that.  When is uncle Yoongi coming?
-  They left Provence last night so they should be here any minute. I'm so excited to meet
    Suranne and so glad she didn't arrive here when it was so chaotic. Taehyung,  go get
    Baekhyun will you, he's still at the library.

Namjoons POv

- Namjoon, you seem to be deep in thought.
- Sorry your majesty, yes I am . Going back to Gunanda give me mixed feelings. But
  I assure you sire,  that the people really answered to Ghelis call. All thanks to Yunha.
- Oh I know that. I'm actually a bit nervous to meet Rick. I haven't seen him since he was
Namjoon watched the kind face of his king, Jimin the third. There was one thing they
hadn't discussed and that was the fate of Taehyungs father. After the fire and the horrible stabbing , Baekhyun had at first been taken in. But since everyone in the village had their
anger reversed by Yunhas pleade, Yoongis voice in the matter got Baekhyun out.
Baekhyun started repairing the library and wouldn't stop . The rest of the towners lost all memories of the years passed, the map was restored and the mining rights were shared equally. The boys father however, stepped up with the stolen documents he had taken from the vault , and gave himself up to the law.  Namjoon had visited him in jail , since he was doing time in the high security jail in the capitol, Omelas.
Gheli had reversed the anger and greed with Yunhas plead,  but murder was different.
He would be in jail for the rest of his life.
Namjoon felt an uneasy feeling but was happy that Baekhyun got off the hook. He had turned out to be a really devoted and hardworking young man.  Besides, his mom wouldn't let him go, her pleade was particularly strong for him.

- Sire, we are here! Look, there's Rick waiting for you already!
Namjoon watched how his king eagerly looked out the window to see the long lost nephew that the court had such trouble with. His face was now shining with a serene delight and Namjoon felt the journey worth while.

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