The new beginning?

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Authors note

Welcome back dear reader, this is our last steps in this story. Well, maybe not...

Authors POV.

Silence . The kind of silence that you can't imagine before you experience it.
The strange happenings by the pond in the forrest would forever be printed in the minds of the beholders. The Autumn girl had taken what she came for but she lingered on. There was something else she wanted.  But she had to wait and while waiting , she roamed the forrest every night, singing a tune only few could hear. Taehyung stood by his open window , listening to it. Meow Meow purred by his feat.
Tanny cooed by the windowsill. She didn't approve of Meow Meow.
-  Wanna go to her, do you? Ok, go girl!
Tanny pinched his earlobe and flew off in the dusky light. She was greeted dearly by  Gheli and before you knew it, they both took off over the treetops.
Hours later she returned to her cage and left a small token beside her sleeping master.

Min Yoongis pov.

He woke up after 3 days and the first living soul he could see was Rick, snoring in an armchair.
Attached to Yoongis arm was a drip. When he started to move , he felt a stinging pain, what in the heavens...oh yes, oh yes, he remembered now. The silver blade meant for someone else, Baekhyuns fiercely burning eyes and mrs Kim..
As he turned he gave a painful moaning,  causing Rick to fall off the chair and 2 nurses come running in!

-  Ouch! Mr Min, you're alive, I mean awake, I mean...
-  Yes, it's ok Rick. You are here? I'm touched.
-  He never moved an inch except for nature calling.  We had to give him an extra bed,  
   see over there?
Yoongi glanced at the bed and then at Rick. What a loyal and great man he was! Imagine that some people would look down on him. For being simple. If they only knew...

-   Sir, we will have you checked up, the surgeon that operated on you will be in soon.
-   I was ...stabbed?
-   Yes you were indeed. With a thin blade, it penetrated you thoroughly but due to its   
    size,  it missed your kidneys by an inch. You had severe internal bleeding.  But ....
-   But?
-   You have to speak to the doctor. It's dr Jung.
-   Hoseok? Ha, we were classmates! Ouch, my poor body! I'm too old for this..

Namjoons POV. 5 days later

- I must head back. The way I see it, this town is safe now.
- Sir, the notebook. The map. We must use them..
- No Taehyung, we must not. This is his majesty's call you see. Gheli has done what she
  came to do. The evil faded but not totally due to... No, no, its troublesome...

- Baekhyun will be sentenced, won't he?
-  Ah, well my dear boy,  I'm not so sure of that. Evil was put to sleep. And when you
   read that notebook, he is not the engine here.
-  But he must make up for his deed, he could have ....killed .
-  He didn't.  And I think you know what more is to come here. Mrs Kim has payed.
-  The pleading?
-  Yes. Gheli turned evil deeds to dust, they wont be remembered and if evil comes
    back , so will she and there will be no mercy.
Namjoon looked at Taehyungs sad face. What a horrible time. Soon he would forget but he had a mission left.

-   I've been told that a rather large town burned to the ground some 150 years ago ,it
    was east of here. I think it was called...Dduksum. Was that also..?
-   No, that was the legendary name, because nothing in there was real happiness.
    The town was called Inbearne. And yes, Gheli was there.
-   Inbearne? I've heard that name.....mother...she once said...but why?
-   Perhaps you should ask her. But first, you have something you must do, right?
    Did She send you a note?

-   Not a note, it was a piece of cloth. What can it mean?
-   Show me!
-   It's in my pocket. Here sir.
-   Smell it.
-   What? Ok..I...know this smell, its mothers perfume...its a piece of her scarf.
-   Has She spoken to you?
-   She did. She said: "Bring them to me."  Mother and Baekhyun?
-   No, mrs Kim, Yunha, and Yoongi. You need to tell them , its urgent!
-   Yoongi nim? He's still in hospital...
-   Oh, he'll be fine. And I must soon go. The days are shorter now for a wanderer like me.  
    His Majesty awaits my report. Oh, by the way, the documents Taehyung. Give them to  
    his Royal Highness the Duke of Gunanda.
-   Who? I don't know that we have a Duke here... 
-   Ah, but you do. Only, you call him Rick.

Baekhyuns pov

His mind was all puzzled and confused. 3 days he spent in custody, the 4th day he felt he must go and see Mr Min. He didn't dare and he didn't want it but he had to. He wished it was all a horrible dream. He wanted to wake up but he couldn't. Somehow all his anger and rage had vanished. He couldn't remember why he did what he did. That blade in his hand, the blood, the sight of mom in that dark pond...why??
He asked the officers permission to visit the hospital.  They agreed but he was accompanied by two rather large police officers.
Trembling and feeling dizzy, he entered the ward were mr Min was .
He had been thinking over and over what to say. He couldn't think of one single reason for his action. It was clouded and hidden in the back of his mind. He only knew he must apologize.
Stepping in through the door he saw that mr Min wasn't alone. In the room was also Rick , the gamekeeper and his mother! They were dressed to go.
- Baekhyun! Thank God!
- Mom, mr Min, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry , my mind was strange, I can't  ....
- I'm alive, your mother is alive.  We have to talk later , we have someone we must meet.
  Rick, is the car ready?
- It is sir, but we only travel to the rim.
- Ofcourse. Yunha and me will walk alone for the rest of the way.
- Mother, why are you going? You might get hurt!
Yunha stopped and looked at him. Her heart was filled with pain and love.
-  Son,  it's you that could get hurt. I must prevent it. Don't worry, it will be alright.
-  But why you? And mr Min?
-  Baekhyun, your mother and I are cousins. 

Authors note

Well, that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed this chapter because you have to read one more to get the whole picture, right? Waiting for that, we are wishing Yoongi all the best for his recovery! I mean the real one...this is november 2020!

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