Secrets in the library

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Dear readers! We need to get some background to this odd story. But I would be a fool not to add some new misery too😉  I hope you enjoy.

Missing people

Later that evening after a splendid dinner, the landlord decided to make sure his important guest noticed the right things and listened to the right people.
Deep inside he wished Namjoon to influence the Royal House . Gunanda had always been a town to notice and the Royal family were fond of the jewelry that Gunandas skilled silversmiths produced.  However, their favours towards the town were less eloquent these days, other parts of the country were favoured and so the glory days seemed to fade. And friends became enemies.

Voices were raised, questions asked,  who ruined the quality of the silver and mostly , who actually owned the ground where the mines were situated. For decades the ownership seemed obvious but foul play was painfully exposed. And that was disturbing. Something must be done.

Namjoon were quite aware of the decay, but the deeper layers of it were still to be explored.
The King was actually worried, he was tormented by nightmares and wanted to sort out the trouble coming from Gunanda.
The landlord on the other hand, had his own thoughts of how to deal with it.
One by one, slowly and barely noticed, certain people left town. Going somewhere else, moving.
Even if people would ask, soon enough the explanations silenced the questions and peace was restored.
Hopefully the same would happened after Iris, they thought.
Luckily, it wouldn't,  but that is yet to be seen.

- Ah, there now mr Kim,  I hope you enjoyed the meal! Let's sit over there and I will 
  reveal all the secrets of our beautiful town Gunanda!
- All the secrets?
- Haha, yes, we have nothing to hide, this country depends on us, you know.
- So? Well, tell me more.

Thursday morning - the library.

Our librarian was expecting an early morning visit, but his head wouldn't wake up that easily. Last nights rather tiresome lecture had gotten the best out of him. But only temporarily. 
Taehyung however had been up early and prepared a basket with tea, sandwiches and cake. Some orange juice in an old fashioned bottle and napkins with butterflies completed the treat.
They were heading for the library that normally were closed thursdays.
It was the day of Namjoons  public speech. At 6 pm the townhall would be filled.
But now he sneaked out of the door, hoping his large hiking boots wouldn't make the staircase squeak too much, the clock on the dining room wall struck 7 am.

- Who will open for us at such an ungodly hour?
- Our librarian, mr Min. He's not like the others and he has prepared for us to visit the 
- The vault? Is it a combined bank robbery you are planning?
-  Haha, very funny sir!
They walked in a hurry through the almost empty streets. Taehyung looked over his shoulder constantly, he knew his younger brother was eager to know what Taehyung was talking to Namjoon about.

Actually, at 8 am Baekhyun would be knocking on Namjoons door , but we will get back to that unfortunate matter.

-  Quick, get inside!
Mr Min, a rather short but sturdy man in his late 60ties, with bright intelligent eyes behind his round spectacles, opened the door ajar and shoved them in.
He couldn't help but looking really enthusiastic over the lovely basket and its scented contents.
- Taehyung smiled. He had counted on this.
- Cinnamonbuns and Cardamom cookies?
-  You never fail on cakes do you mr Min. Yes you're right. Let's eat first?
-  Oh yes, I prepared a table downstairs,  come come, don't step over Lil' Meow Meow!

It was actually a word in time because the big, striped cat were asleep across the third step . Taehyung caught hold of Namjoons robe to prevent him from falling, handing over the basket where the bottles rattled and the cake tin made a metallic sound against the thermos with tea. The fat cat raised an eyelid , flew up and hissed like a serpent , swinging a claw paw towards the shocked Namjoon.
- Oh hush hush my baby, they wont hurt you, please just let us pass.

- He should have named it Balrog, Taehyung whispered in Namjoons ear.

They both avoided the raging Meow Meow and quickly headed for the room mr Min pointed out as he tried calming the cat down.
A large, old wooden door stood ajar down the stone paved corridor. The sun had started shining through a very small window in the thick wall. Namjoon stood startled , it was a beautiful room!
Shelf after shelf from ceiling to floor, filled with books, scrolls and document cases with leather bands tightly tied around them. No dust or spiderweb to be seen.
- So this is the vault?
- No, there's more, but we must eat , Taehyung please, empty that treasure basket!

The vault.

After the delicious breakfast they were now eager to start.
Mr Min was indeed a very tenacious man, he spent a lot of time with the books, either reading or cleaning them. This lower floor in the old building was rarely used by the citizens, they borrowed mostly novels and detective storys. English and french books were to be found too, and children's books were plenty.
- Ahm, my curiosity,  forgive me, but why is the sign outside in french....?
Mr Min, who's name actually was Yoongi, blushed a bit and started polishing his spectacles very frenetically.
-  Hm, ahm, well you see, when I was young I had a dream of becoming a painter.
   At the time, France was the country of artists. Painters, authors, musicians.
I lived in Bretagne for 15 years actually, travelling the country but always returning.
- And you met Suranne. 
Taehyungs eyes were shining with joy mentioning that name. Mr Min smiled.
-  Taehyung is right, I met someone . She was a country girl.
    Unfortunately, both her parents were killed in an accident and she had promised to
    take over the farm, a vineyard too, if something happened.
    Our country stated new rules and I couldn't stay .....
-   Tell him the best part sir!
Yoongi looked up and noticed that Namjoons and Taehyungs faces had the same childish and thrilled expression.
- Ah yes, she's coming here next month...ah well, enough of that!

He brushed off the crumbs and took out two gigantic keys from his leather apron.
- Come, let's take a look at what we found some months ago! Taehyung, you open!
Taehyung walked down another stone paved corridor and disappeared out of sight.
Mr Min and Mr Kim, the old librarians that had found a lot to talk about , followed down the corridor only to find Taehyung standing in the doorway, paralyzed.

Yoongi rushed passed him and into the vault. Namjoon stayed by Taehyung.

The room was torn to pieces, every book and box laid on the floor and some of the bookcases had been cut with an axe, it was still driven into a wooden pillar. It was impossible to see if anything was missing.

Mr Min gasped and headed for a cabinet behind one of the largest pillars. It was opened and almost empty.
- How is this possible? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!! NO NO NO! WE ARE DOOMED!!

Namjoon watched the mess and realized again that things were even worse than he imagined.
- Sir....there's a note.......
Shivering, Mr Min took the note that read:

"Dear mr Min Yoongi. We find that your services here in Gunanda are finished and you will retire. We will see too it that you swiftly do so. "

- Sir, the vault was!!

Authors note

Oh dear, oh dear! Is the case closed now? What were the secret documents and books ?
And what will happend to mr Min, will he become yet another missing person?
If you like the story so far, please tell me!

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