The Honey and Hive

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Welcome back!
I hope you are curious to know why the librarian is worried , so am I!
Here you will learn some more about the town and the people there.

Visit at late hours

That first day, the hottest late August ever, the librarians feet were sore after walking.
As he guessed, the dark clouds allowed thunder to appear, making the heat less pressing.
Still, he couldn't really come to rest. The landlord had been very kind, too kind?
The food was excellent and also the beer, too excellent?
He didn't mind a good meal or a good pint, that was for certain, but, well, maybe he was only imagining things.

He was about to enter the soft ( too soft? ) bed for a good nights sleep when there was a very soft knock on the door.
He sighed. Not today! He was all ready tomorrow but .....
- Sir!
A very faint whisper was heard through the keyhole. Alright then, he opened.
Outside, looking very anxious and constantly watching the corridore behind him, stood Taehyung, the landlords son. His slim body seemed to slide in before the door was even half open.
He put a finger on his lips and urged the older man to close quickly.
- Ah, oh, Taehyun was it?
- Taehyung sir, it means great and prosperous.
-  Hmm, yes, so it does. You , hm, couldn't wait until morning?
-  No no, please, there is no time to waste sir, honestly not. know that sir.
Namjoon watched the childish yet wise face that was totally focused on him. What a peculiar young man!

-  My thoughts about the urgency may not be the same as yours ,son. But you are right,
    there are reasons for me to be here. Please proceed.
-  This town is rich, right? The silver mines have brought wealth to us and the Royal
    House is benevolent towards us, the mayor is highly ranked. Hmm......
-  Go on, go on.
-  Last year there was a quarrel about mining. About rights. Documents. Shares. Lawyers 
   were brought in and soon friends stopped talking. Families were split.
   Oh, it's so awful!

Taehyung sat with his head resting heavily in his hands and he was crying!
For a moment nobody spoke.
-  You think something is going to happend?
-  Its happening already. Documents have been altered, there is mistrust and sir, some
   talk about alchemists...
-  What!!
-   Hush!
-  Sorry, alchemists?
-  To see if the major silvermine could somehow become a goldmine. It's pure greed.
-  Nonsens!
-  I know sir, but that's not all. It's that legend.
-  You mean..
-  The autumn girl.
-  Aaah, so I was right!

Visit at early hours

He wasn't sure how long he had been sleeping but it felt far too little when the sun struck his eyes through the curtains and a firm knock on the door was heard.
Again? Wasn't there other doors to knock?
- Who is it? Is it breakfast already?
-   Sir, its urgent, ahem, it's the landlord!
-  Oh, well, but I'm not properly dressed , it's very early.
-  Never mind! I just need to speak to you before you meet anyone else and before your 
   appearance in the Town Hall!
Namjoon the librarian raised his eyebrows and let the landlord in.
-  Now, let's be honest here. This is a prosperous town, right?
-  Yes?
-  And we have earned every penny ourselves, hard work and good investments, right?
- Oh, I'm sure of that, of course.
-  You are here to speak about the ancient history of this neighbourhood, right?
-  Yes, that is a great interest of mine, like your son Taehyung.
The landlord stiffened . However, in a matter of seconds,the colour was back on his cheeks and with a kind of intimate , friendly voice he said:
-  Ah, well sir, I wouldn't say that , no not really. You see ( he came right up to Namjoons face) he's a simpleton . I'm sorry to say, no harm in him but he's a simpleton. A dreamer, an emotional child in a  22 year old body.  So sad, yes indeed, always on about legends , goblins, ogres and such nonsense. Don't let him bother you sir.
-  Why should he bother me?
-  He, well, he's not like my other son, Baekhyun, oh, what a brilliant mind!
-  Oh, great great, but still, Taehyung ...?
-  He may approach you with some awkvard talk about evil and such but, we don't
    believe in the supernatural you see, such nonsense.
-  Better be a simpleton than cunning, mumbled the old man.
-  What was that sir?
-  Oh I just said I find folklore quite stunning , great ancient thinking, yes, well,
   would there be breakfast by any chance?
-  Oh my, oh my my my, I've been taking up your time, breakfast yes, yes!!
   So, we have a consensus here, don't let Taehyung bother you with his nonsense.
-  If he talks nonsense, I'll close my ears.

The landlord looked pleased and hurried down to the combined breakfast and dining room. Wonderful fragrances came whirling up the stairs.
Breakfast! Quickly he washed up and got dressed, talking to himself:

-  No, I won't listen to any nonsense. But I shall indeed listen to Taehyung.

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