Gathering at the county hall

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Welcome back dear reader!
Now we are following the steps taken by our two librarians. Tonight is Namjoons big night, holding his speech and getting closer to the truth. But .....

Authors POV.

They all decided on not mentioning the incident in the library vaults. Namjoon also sent word to the Royal House that things were getting rough. Mr Min would need a place to stay, but Taehyung had taken measures for that. In a cage close to his bedroom window there was a small white pigeon called Tanny. She was one of two mail pigeons.  The other one lived in the gamekeepers cottage by the east edge of the forest. He hardly ever socialized with the towns people but was widely respected as he kept the forest healthy and the game healthy and sufficient. Nobody dared argue with him.
Taehyung however, had been a faithful guest since childhood. Beakhyun disapproved of that , thinking the gamekeeper, Rick , was badmannered and common.

Coming home from the Library, Namjoon went to have a nap and Taehyung rushed to Tannys cage. Quickly he wrote a few lines on a piece of paper,secured it to the birds tiny wrist and sent her off with a quick peck on her cute little head.
Two hours later, the word was out and about:

Mr Min, the librarian, had suddenly left town, unseen and unheard. People were confused, some angry but some were frightened. It had happened again. What had he done to cause that action? Was he dead? How many more would go?
Others however, were pleased. Things could now continue as planned.

Taehyungs father , preparing a generous tea, was acting strangely. He was on the phone, running in circles, mumbling to himself:
" how can it be, we haven't prepared it yet, this is going all wrong, how can it be.."
In the middle of his fierce monologue, Namjoon entered the dining room, clad in a long black coat, linen shirt and a scarf in soft alpaca wool.  His well trimmed long beard matched his long hair, that he kept in a bundle. The wrinkles in his face spoke of long life and wisdom. His eyes however, spoke of long yearned teatime. He was very hungry.

Taehyungs POV.

-  Where is it! Where is it?!
He stooped into a hidden cupboard, searching for the map with the files. He had them locked in, but he had never thoroughly read them.
-  Ah, at last!
Triumphantly, he reached for a blue folder, thick with documents and maps.
Satisfied, he put the folders underneath his mattress, thinking they would read it after tonight's gathering.
His mother called from below:
- Tae, its teatime, come along and eat!
- Coming mom, I'm coming!
Opening his door he found Baekhyun standing right outside.
-  Ah, hyung, I heard your voice in there, is something wrong?
He tried peeking in over Taehyungs shoulder but the door closed quickly.
Taehyung felt uneasy by the glimpse in his brothers eyes. Greed. Just like his father.
Greed. Envy. A cunning look.
-  I lost my notebook. I need to take notes tonight when mr Kim is speaking. But, I found   
   it! Let's go for tea!

Baekhyun looked suspicious. Coming down the stairs they watched the confused scenery.
About 12 people were gathered for teatime and the landlord was deeply involved in a discussion with 5 of them.
Namjoon sat neatly placed in a corner with a generous amount of scones, ham, filled pancakes, a huge pot of tea , spongecake and shortbread. He looked extremely satisfied. Taehyungs mom was a good,  no, excellent cook.
Taehyungs belly was making loud noices and he filled a plate and sat down.
Namjoon leaned closer:
- Is the bird in the nest?
- Haha, yes, it is.
- And we can do a bit of reading after the gathering?
- Aha, yes.
-  What are you whispering about over there, I demand to know.
It was Baekhyun that stood up, his voice pitched and sounded more like a crow.

- Baekhyun! Sit down ! You embarrass us all.
- Sorry mom, but there is something going on here. Secrets, all secrets.
- Dear Baekhyun,  secrets seem to be in fashion right now, but are you accusing me?
- I'm, I'm sorry sir , mr Kim, I'm only excited about your speech tonight, we all are and it's such an honour for Gunanda and I think his Royal Highness will hear all good things about us when you return to the capitol and maybe you will mention me and...

Baekhyun was talking without breathing, his eyes had a strange glow and he stared fiercely , not at our old librarian,  but on Taehyung.
-  My older brother may still live in the world of fairytales but we rest on a solid, scientific ground here.  We have nothing to hide and nothing to clear out, the solidity of Gunanda is firm. Our silvermines and fine craftmanship have long, rocksteady traditions, right father, hehe, all solid and safe. All agreed,  law and order.
Baekhyun addressed his father and perhaps the others in the room but still stared at Taehyung.

- Thank you so much Baekhyun. You have given me such an interesting picture of Gunanda. Tonight I will talk about history. Way back and just around the corner. It's all connected. There is a rich treasure of culture in this landscape and Gunanda , well, you will for sure be surprised.
Namjoon mused and filled a bowl with peaches and cream.

A surprising turn

After a short nap and a quiet moment with his pipe, Namjoon packed his leather bag and headed off to the county hall. The evening was clear and bright, autumn was approaching.
He was well prepared and had in mind to go way back in history, pointing out all feuds and old legends and also, as this was his mission, point out the Kings worries about Gunanda. The King wanted guarantees for democracy and safety for all citizens.
Now that people started to disappear, it was confusing to even speak about a solid community.

The county Hall was filled to the brim, it was already rather warm in there.
Namjoon heard people talking about Mr Mins disappearance and one other name:
Jung Jongjae.  Who could that be?
- Its my old schoolteacher, he has been the very source of wisdom, knowing every legend about this place and the villages around. He's gone...
-  Was he in the council?
-  Yes.......where can he be..?
Namjoon frowned and sat speed towards the scene and the microphone. He smiled towards people trying to greet him, since he was a man of the court, they bowed but he could feel how they whispered ...or was it just imagination?

-  Dear citizens of Gunanda! In our happy and prosperous community, we have so much to be proud of. Tonight we welcome a very prominent guest that brings both interesting knowledge about our part of this country, and important information from his Royal Highness king Jimin lll. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome mr Kim Namjoon!
- Thank you, ah most kind ,most kind, thank you.
  Dear citizens of Gunanda, I come to you in a matter of urgency. And in a matter of
  Your inheritance and culture.
  Now, this is the most important message, I'll start with this . You see.....

-  Fire!!! FIRE!! The library is burning, the library!! Where is mr Min, what if he's in  
   there?  Fire!!

In a matter of seconds the hall was emptied and people, all for their own reasons,  ran
towards the burning library. Namjoon, who had prepared for a shocking entrance,  looked confused . He searched for Taehyung but even he was gone
What more was that he could hear a rumble from afar.
The evening sky, that earlier was so clear and the sunset so bright, was no longer clear.
Something was indeed moving in the forest.

Authors note

Ah, what is happening? Why is the library on fire? Who can gain from that?
And why is the thunder approaching?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please come back again and follow this little story!

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