Beneath the surface of prosperity

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Welcome back!
We are now, after enjoying Dynamite, walking along with our friend the Librarian aka Namjoon. His appearance in the Town Hall is 2 days away and he's eager to see the town and ponder on his feelings. That will however be harder than he imagined!
Enjoy the read!

Oh what a beautiful morning!

With his belly filled with all the delicious treats he could master ,he could have easily fallen asleep in one of the soft armchairs, but weather and curiosity drove him out to walk the streets and meet the people.
It was a charming town, although small.
Water was whispering everywhere, the rivers were driven into small canals between the blocks.

He giggled a bit when he saw the sign for the library - it was in french! French , there you go, an attempt to adapt to the global arena?

It seemed, as he walked along in the sunny and warm morning, that the dark clouds hanging over the fields in north, were still there. Strange! Otherwise the sky was blue.
Just when he was about to cross a square busy with merchants, he felt a tug in his sleeve.

- Sir! Oh, so nice to see you enjoying our precious Gunanda!
The voice was squeaky,  like an old door .
There was an intensity in it that fit poorly into the soft morning noices.  He turned to face the person tugging his sleeve, only to find a  boy with a familiar face...but was it really ....
- Taehyung?
-  Oh no no sir, not at all!  I'm Baekhyun.  Please don't be mistaken there sir!
The  old man took in the Taehyung looking face and instantly felt ....cold..?
This face wasn't a dreamers face, no innocent,  childish , kind glimpse in his eyes.
If Taehyungs eyes were brown, these were ice blue. Ice blue?! That was odd...

- Aha, the brother, older brother I suppose?  Your father told me ab...
- Haha, no sir no sir, age has nothing to do with intelligence, I'm actually 19.
  My older brother has another range of maturity so to speak, not like me!

- Nice to meet you! I'm having a stroll through town to learn m....
- I'll be your guide sir! You need to see the pride of this town and learn about the  
  greatness of our achievements. I'm the perfect guide, otherwise you may not see the
  really important things.

Namjoon didn't think he should try talking anymore, since he was cut off by the somewhat rude and intense young man.
He found himself half running through town, barely able to greet the people he saw along the way. Baekhyuns goal was to show the jewelry shops, the silversmiths, the elegant mansions of marble that rested majestically by the riverbed and ofcourse, the silvermines. Every minute of the journey the tired Librarian found his head filled with constant talking.
Around two he managed to escape and get something to eat.

What happened to Iris?

After a good lunch in a tiny, backstreet restaurant, he asked for a shady space outdoors where he could take a well earned nap.
He was directed towards one of the canals nearby, some 200  metres further down there were grass, benches, shading trees,  and they gave him a blanket for his comfort. When asked how they felt about Gunanda, they turned to eachother for support. A short nod and a sturdy looking woman turned to Namjoon and said:
- Sir, Gunanda has been fortunate indeed,  we've been working for decades and
  generations, sharing everything. But that's all gone. Can we meet at the canal an hour
  from now?  My name is Iris, a former member of the council.
- Yes, gladly! Former?
- Yes, for the sake of keeping myself and my family alive.
She looked around very carefully before saying those last words and hurried out of the door, pointing out the direction to the peaceful spot by the canal.

As the old librarian walked towards that green spot, he thought about the short meeting.
What did she mean? Could she perhaps bring more light into the dark and menacing shades that he felt had been growing here? He looked forward to meet her, but first -
A nap! The grass was soft , the scent from the autumn struck soil was heavy, the whisper of the water was comforting . And so he fell a sleep.

- Sir! Sir! I've been looking everywhere for you! It's getting chilly out here..
  The voice was familiar. Namjoon was startled and sat up like a soldier. Chilly?
Yes, it was...
He looked at the eager face, a Taehyung face, with....ah...brown eyes! Thank heavens!
And so he remembered...
- Dear boy,  dear boy so nice to see you! I must have slept for long, what time is it?
Taehyung took his watch and showed it to him:
-  Its 6.30 pm sir.
-  It can't be, I sat down here around 3, I was supposed to meet someone at 4...
-  Meet someone, that's nice sir, you have started to connect with people!
-  Her name is Iris, you must know her Taehyung.
-  Ah yes, we talk a lot. Secretly. She's interested in legends and history like me! And
   she ....see things.
-  See things?
-  Yes, she's talking about those clouds. And something moving in the woods.
    She's worried about this town sir, just like me.

-   That's what she said, that's why we were to meet here....why didn't she come here?

Taehyung looked down . Should he tell? Maybe he should.

-   I heard my father speak with someone this afternoon.  I didn't mean to listen..
-   No, but you heard something?
-  Father ended the conversation with these words: Iris needs some rest, arrange it.
   Then he hung up. We only have one phone in the house so I heard....what did he mean?

-   I don't know, but I don't think we'll  see her for some time. Oh Taehyung, what is

Authors note

That's it for today, I hope you liked this chapter! If you want, bring me a comment!
And now, keep supporting our 7 lightbringers  and have a pleasant weekend !

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