Who is moving in the forest?

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Welcome back! Today we celebrate Jeon Jungkook on his 23/24 birthday, depends on where you are in your age count. As a token I'm adding him in this chapter, let's see how he will cope, shall we?
We also celebrate a NR 1 Billboard placing, but I can't write about that here!

MR Mins pov  Great grandfathers story.

He had his own thoughts about this town. About folklore and legends. And he cherished Taehyungs company. When he was only a young schoolboy, his great grandfather told him about an episode when he himself was a child. He was referring to someone he called The autumn girl.
Yoongi wasn't sure it was actually a girl, grandpa spoke of her like a spirit with many faces. He could easily recall the story:

The autumn girl

-  You see Yoongi, she appears when darkness is approaching in a town. She comes in 
    autumn because that's the time for everything to rest,right?
-  Yes grandpa, please, tell me more.
-  Are you sure, this is rather scary!
-  I'm not afraid!
-  Ah good, just don't tell your mom, she got nightmares from my storys.

Grandpa giggled a bit but then looked at Yoongi with a serious face.
-  Well you see, when evil spread among people, it can be hard to stop it. One thing
   lead to another. So, this time it was a town some 60 miles east from here. They were
  arguing about water rights. But that wasn't it.
- No? What was it?
- They wanted to kill the king.
-  What?! But why?
-  Ah, you see, greed and a lust for power. That can ruin anyone.
-  Greed? Is that bad?
-  Mhm. And together with power, in wrong hands, its deadly.

Yoongi sat in his pajama, totally forgetting how tired he was. He wanted to hear more.
-  So, one day there was a hall meeting. It turned out half the town wanted the king gone
   and the other half wanted their own family to take over.  None had the sacred bone.
-  Sacred bone? Like in the old days?
-  Yes. Here's the tricky part. Not all wanted this evil. My family and two more refused to 
    take part.
   And I was the one that noticed Her. I spent lots of time in the forest you see.
   There was a death sentence put on the  families, we were many.
-  Grandpa!!

-  First time I saw her, she was beautiful. She moved between the trees , she didn't speak
   but I heard a strange tune , like a song, coming from her.
   I stood there enchanted. Second time, I had been told about the death threat.  She knew.
-  She knew?!!
-  Yes. I was sitting beneath the 1000 year oaktree, crying.
    Her voice , I heard it in my head!  She said that she had come to end the evil.  Put it to
    sleep like the seeds in autumn. Only thing she needed was a pure soul to pleade for it.
-  Pleade? Like, asking forgiveness for someone else? Like the prophet did?
-  Yes. You remembered that one? Good, so she asked me if one of those in danger would
    pleade that everyone could be saved. Time was running out.

-   What did you do?
-   I ran and spoke to my sister, Yunha. She was deaf from birth, but we had a
    sign language that we had invented, and I told her about my encounter.
    Yunha didn't move for a while. Then she signed:
-   I know. I heard her. I'm going there to meet her. And so she did. It was in the nick of
    time, neighbours had already become enemies, people disappeared.
-   Oh, wasn't Yunha afraid?
-   Not afraid of Geli, that was her name you see, but of the raging villagers. She
     found Geli and they sat talking for almost one entire day. Everything could have been
     well if it wasn't for one thing.
-    What? What was it??
-    Yunha was followed but she couldn't hear that. The Autumn girl knew and hoped the
     plead would be in time. It was not in her power otherwise, she was just the vessel.
     Now Yoongi, brace yourself, this part will be hard for me.

Yoongi remembered the pain in the old, wrinkled face and tears that gathered in his crimson eyes. Somehow he wanted to hear, somehow not.

-    Yunha rose to her feet, I know because I followed her too, but I didn't see the other
     person . Yunha and Geli started walking towards a small pond. Geli made the water
     swirl and she asked Yunha to make the plead.
-    Could  you here it? Geli speaking?
-    No, but she used our sign language, otherwise I think they just spoke inside their
     heads. But now everything went wrong.
-   Wrong?

-   I saw Yunha stretch her arm over the water and in the next second she fell forward
    into it. An arrow had hit her right through the heart and she disappeared beneath
    the surface. Out of the bushes came the villain, an annoying man with no mercy for
    anyone. He now pointed his bow towards Geli.
Yoongi could hardly breathe. He had heard that the deaf girl Yunha drowned herself.
This was different. This made him shiver.

-   I was too small to dare do anything and I was shocked to see my sister die like that.
    But I will never forget what happened next.
    Geli turned towards the bowman and all the beauty faded in an instant. Her face
    turned into torments, her eyes like fire and the ground was shaking.
    I ran. I never ran so fast in my entire life.
-   What...what happened?

-   The town was burning. All houses but the farms belonging to us and our friends..    
     People ran for life. The villain died but his family escaped. They headed west towards 
     a then very small and quiet town. Gunanda.
-   Here???  Who were they?
-   The family name was Kim. Eventually they started a guesthouse business and they
    have been running it ever since. I hear they are doing well. You can't blame the
    children for their ancestors deed, can you?
-   Did you ever see the Autumn Girl again?
-   No, but one night after about 5 years from that horror, I heard that song . In
    my head I heard her voice speaking. It must have been her.
-   What did she say?
-  " Jungkook, please tell my story to the honest and pure."
-  But...
-  I'm telling it to you son. Now go to sleep!

Taehyungs POV

Once he realized that whoever did this had accessed themselves with a key, he felt a cold sensation along his spine.
How could they get in when only mr Min had the keys? They took everything?
At first, all seemed waisted, but some months ago mr Min had asked Taehyung to store some maps in his apartment at the university. He had a very small place next to the campus , it was actually his hiding place and safe haven.
Summer leave meant coming back to his old room and with that, the old way of life.
Constant bickering and nagging from Baekhyun, his father bullying him and looking at him with disappointment. The strange feeling among people in town and his own feelings about the old documents and legends.

As he now looked around in the mess, he knew he had to speak out. He dried his tears.
-  Sir, mr Min. There is only one set of keys. It's the ones I'm holding....the only ones.    
   What's in that note? Sit down sir, you look pale.
The old librarian mr Kim recalled seeing a sink in the room where they had their breakfast and he took off to get a glass of water.
Once back, they read the note together, several times.  Yoongi spoke quietly.
- Its my turn now.
- My dear mr Min, your turn?
- To disappear.
Taehyung stood by the narrow , barred window. He turned and smiled faintly.
- No sir. All is not lost. And I've seen her move in the forest. There is still time.

Authors note

Is there still time? Who had the keys?  What documents does Taehyung have ? Remember, he is the landlords son, and his sir name is Kim...

I'll update as soon as I can, thank you for reading!


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