❝Man in her dreams❞

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It's been a month since Y/n waked from her coma. Her memory is still vague because of the incident that caused her coma. Y/n found out that she had a coma because she tried to save a kid from being hit by a car luckily they both survived. 

"Y/n do you remember this place? This is our house." Y/n's mom told her. 

"Yeah, I remember." Y/n replied while looking around. 

"I'll go to my room." Y/n said to her mother.

When Y/n entered her room some memories came back to her. Like how she would always drink her milk in the study table at night"Maybe I should look around." 

Y/n looked around thinking that she can bring back more of her memories by looking at her things. Y/n was looking around for a while. Her mother entered the room 

"Are you looking for something?" She asked Y/n.


"I was hoping to find something that will prove that he's real, that he's not just a figment of  my dreams."

While Y/n was looking at her pictures she saw a picture of her with another girl "Who is she?" Y/n asked her mother. 

"She's your best friend." Her mother replied. 

"Where is she?" Y/n asked out of curiosity. 

"She died." Y/n looked at her mother with a why-did-she-die look on her face. 

"It was an accident, she got hit by a car the same day you saved a child. The same time you fell asleep because of coma." 

Y/n stared at the photo again "What's her name?" 

Her mother smiled "S/n"

"So we have the same name?"

"Maybe we're really best friends"

"How pathetic, I can't even remember."

"You should visit her." Y/n's mom suggested.

"Maybe I'll visit when I get my memory back, I don't want to come there in a situation like this." Her mother agreed to her.

 "Well you should rest, you'll go back to school next week." Y/n also agreed.

 Y/n went to her bed and closed her eyes. "Maybe I should just forget him, he's not even real."


"Meet your new classmate Y/n." The teacher introduced Y/n to her new classmates. Y/n decided to transfer to a new school for her to start a new life.

  "My name is Y/n and my previous school is Nekoma High, nice to meet you all." 

Her teacher smiled at her and said "Welcome to Fukurodani Academy, Y/n." 

Y/n gave a smile to her teacher back. She seated in the second row of the classroom.

The first subject was about to end when someone entered the room. "Sorry I'm late, I got lost." A male student said. Y/n didn't even give a look because she was busy reading. 

"It's okay, how's your condition?" the teacher asked the student.

  "My memory is still vague, but I'm doing some therapy." the man responded. 

"Okay, there's only one seat left." the teacher pointed at the back of the room then the man walked toward that direction without looking at his classmates.

When the man walked past Y/n, Y/n's heartbeat went fast. She was about to look to him when her seatmate called her. "Y/n, he has an amnesia." 

Y/n's seatmate stated. "What?" Y/n asked.

 "You just look curious that's why I told you." 

Y/n smiled and strike a question. "Do I? What's his name?" 

Y/n's seatmate closed her eyes "What is it again? Hmm...." After a minute of thinking her seatmate opened her eyes and said "Now I remember! It's Keiji! Akaashi Keiji!"

"Keiji?Akaashi Keiji?" Y/n was feeling that she heard that name before. "Keiji.... Akaashi.... Keiji.... Akaa-" Y/n remembered the man on his dreams. 

"Maybe they just have the same name." She was about to look at the man named Akaashi but she stopped. Y/n don't want to look at him not even just a glimpse. She didn't want to get disappointed "I don't wanna waste my time, he's just a dream."


Y/n just finished her last subject, she was about to go home when suddenly the rainfall. "Great! Just great! How can you forget an umbrella when you watch the weather forecast this morning?" Y/n talked to herself. 

"You can't go home if you keep talking to yourself" a man offered Y/n an umbrella. Y/n was surprised when she saw who it is. 

"Those blue eyes, those thick eyebrows, his messy black hair, that calm but sweet voice."

"The man in my phantasm."


𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝙆. AkaashiWhere stories live. Discover now