❝Resurrection of the past❞

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Y/n and Akaashi are both looking at each other when another student went inside the classroom "HEY HEY HEY AKAASHI!" a man with round golden-colored eyes and spiky white-grey hair with black streaks shouted.

  "What's up Bokuto-san?" Akaashi said while looking at the man.

  "Who's this? it feels like I know him." The man that Akaashi called Bokuto looked at Y/n.

"I'm just checkin' on you" Bokuto said to Akaashi. Bokuto just noticed that Akaashi was talking to Y/n.

"She's Y/n, a new student." Akaashi said because he noticed that Bokuto is looking at Y/n. 

"Y/n... I didn't know you're here!" Bokuto said with excitement. 

"Do I know you?" Y/n said a little bit confused.

  "Yes, we know each other! Wait you can't remember?" 

Y/n explained to Bokuto what happened to her. 

"Then I should introduce my self, I'm Bokuto Koutarou." He said.

"Why do we know each other?" Y/n asked Bokuto.

"I met you because of Akaashi." He said while pointing at Akaashi. 

"Do you know anything about us? Like our relationship?" Akaashi asked Bokuto that made Bokuto shocked. 

"So you don't remember huh?" Bokuto said. 

"Well obviously, yes." Akaashi replied.

  "How should I say this...." Bokuto holds his chin while trying to think of how to deliver his speech.

"Well I think this was almost 3 years ago" He started. 

"Akaashi has been leaving practice earlier than before, he doesn't walk home with us anymore so I decided to follow him and see what's he's been up to." Y/n and Akaashi are carefully listening to Bokuto. 

"Then I found myself in Nekoma High." he continued.

  "M-my previous school?"

"Akaashi's been walking a girl home. While I was spying him he saw me so he has no choice but to introduce you to me." Bokuto said a little bit embarrassed. 

"But you never said that she's your girlfriend." He said to Akaashi. 

"Well that's all I know, I should go now." Bokuto said and bid his goodbye. After Bokuto left the two went silent.

  "I wanna find out more, more about our past." Akaashi broke the silence. 

"Me too, I wanna remember everything about you and me." 

"But what if it's not worth remembering?"

"I'm afraid that our past will destroy the future."

Y/n and Akaashi didn't continue their conversation because their classmates already arrived.


"Tomorrow we will have an event here at school, other schools are coming so be ready." Their teacher announced. 

Classes for the day finally ended Y/n was about to go out of the room when Akaashi blocked her way.

"W-what?" Y/n asked. 

"I'll walk you home." Akaashi said while looking at Y/n in the eyes.

"I told you already, my house is far-" Akaashi didn't let Y/n finish talking.

𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝙆. AkaashiWhere stories live. Discover now